1.0- texts

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Unknown Number: Addie?

Addie: Louis :)

Louis: Yes it's me ;) Wow, a winky face. What did that mean?

Addie: I didn't doubt it

Louis: Sooo what time?
Louis: Oh and where do you live?

Addie: We might want to check listings for the movie.
Addie: 14502 Allister Way
Addie: And shouldn't you be driving?

Louis: I'll check when I get home and get back to you.
Louis: Sorry, I was just excited to text you. :) Excited? Louis was excited to text me. Oh gosh my stomach was practically somersaulting.

Addie: Okay Louis. Drive safe.

"What are you two talking about?" Harry asked excitedly trying to read my messages over my shoulder. I swatted his knee and angled my phone away, pressing the power button to lock the screen.

"Mind your own business Styles." I scolded. Harry pouted and for once I wasn't dwelling on how cute he was.

"Is it something dirty?" Harry asked biting his lower lip. I scoffed causing him to laugh.

"We just met Harry."

"You did not just meet. We've gone to the same school as him since freshman year." I rolled my eyes.

"I basically just met him. We've never talked before Harry. I think I would remember if I did." Harry grinned.

"So you like him?" I shrugged.

"We'll see."

"We'll see? What do you mean we'll see?" I shrugged again not wanting to tell him I was unsure about this because of him. Because of what Harry meant to me. Harry shook his head. "Girls are confusing." I elbowed him.

"Boys are no better."


My phone beeped the moment I stepped through the front door of my house. Pulling the keys from the doorknob I shut the door with my hip before locking it behind me and checking my phone.

Louis: I'm back. I was preparing a reply when I saw that he was typing another message. I waited.
Louis: There's a showing the same time Harry and Toni will be going.
Louis: It's in a different theater obviously.

Addie: Well duh Louis haha so are we going then? I press send and immediately his read receipt pops up under it.

Louis: Sounds good to me.
Louis: Do you want to eat before, after? At all? He's still sending messages.
Louis: I mean you could eat at your house or we could eat together. I wait. Is that all of it?

Addie: Let me get a sentence out Louis 😄
Addie: Do you want to eat together?

Louis: Well.. Um.. I dunno???

Addie: Then how am I suppose to know?

Louis: You're smarter than I am.

Addie: Umm.. Thanks? But I don't think that means I know what we should do.

Louis: How about we just eat at the theater? Popcorn or something.

Addie: That sounds fine Louis :)

Louis: Okay, cool.
Louis: Sorry, I get nervous and indecisive about things like this.

Addie: It's cute. I like it. Very brave Addie. Very brave.

Louis: Thanks, you're pretty cute too.

Addie: I haven't done anything

Louis: You're cute anyways :) I don't think I've squealed like this before. Or squealed at all before really.

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