1.8- disrupted plans

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"Are you sure?" I asked sadly. Louis had just given me some awful news. Well, not entirely awful. It was good news laced with bad news. A perfect concoction. Louis nodded grimly.

"I'm sorry." He said, placing his hand on my cheek. I sighed and shook my head. Grabbing his hand and squeezing it.

"No it's fine Louis I mean, this could become a career for you." I said trying to sound as excited as possible but it was proving difficult. Louis had just told me he couldn't be my date, my plus one, to Anne's wedding. I was so looking forward to it. I was a bridesmaid and Louis would be there to distract me from Toni and Harry. He was being scouted for soccer though and somebody had offered him a chance to train with some of the big names in the game. It was a once in a lifetime opportunity that could become something more for him.

The week fell on the same one as the wedding.

"I just feel really bad!" He said exasperated, running the hand I wasn't holding through his hair. "I know how excited you were and you're going to be a bridesmaid." He said, squeezing my hand, shaking my arm lightly. I laughed, Louis' wide beautiful smile on his lips.

"It's not a big deal, really." I began promising him.

"No, it is a big deal."

"But this is big for you Louis! You get to train with David Beckham." Louis snorted and rolled his eyes.

"I don't think it's David Beckham." He said lightly.

"He's the only big soccer player I know." I said, a blush creeping up my cheeks. Louis laughed and pulled me in for a hug, wrapping his arms around me tightly.

"But what about the wedding." I laughed and looked up at him, stepping back.

"It's not our wedding Louis." He chuckled. "I'll be fine. Harry will be there and so will Toni and Gemma." I said, smiling. Louis nodded and sighed, touching my cheek again,

"Are you positive that this is fine?" I nodded.

"Go play soccer with the big boys." I said hitting his arm lightly. Louis laughed and leaned down to kiss me. When he pulled away he said,

"I love you." I guess I looked more surprised than I felt because he opened his mouth to start apologizing but I beat him to it.

"I love you too Louis." He closed his mouth, smiled and kissed my forehead.


I noisily dropped my stuff down in front of Toni and Harry at lunch that afternoon. Louis had a soccer meeting and would be out shortly to eat with us so I had a little time to talk to them. "Guess what Louis said to me." I said, smiling wide as I sat down in front of them. Tori grinned.

"What?" She asked, leaning in, interested.

"Well bad news first, he can't go to the wedding with me." Harry sat up straighter, green eyes wide. "But, he's going to train with some really high up soccer players for a scholarship or recruitment." I relayed to them excitedly. Toni smiled wider.

"Oh my gosh that's so cool!" Harry smiled softly.

"Yeah I know! I'm so proud of him." I said taking my lunch out of my paper bag. "But that's not the important thing I wanted to tell you." Toni cocked her head.

"Keep going then." She said with a laugh, leaning into Harry. He looked confused as he arched an eyebrow at the both of us.

"Louis told me he loved me." Toni squealed. Harry just looked surprised.

"And did you say it back!?" She exclaimed.

"Yes!" An elated sound burst from her lips and she reached over the table in a high-five gesture. I high-fived her, the two of us laughing. Harry just sort of sat there and smiled lightly at our excitement.

"That's great Adelaide." I was surprised by the sudden use of my full name but I was smiling too wide to let it show.

"Thank Harry." I said, uncapping my water bottle. Harry leaned into Toni and said something to her quietly. Toni nodded and smiled.

"Sure Harry." She said as he began to stand up.

"I'll be right back." He told me. His smile more deflated now.

"Okay." I said slowly, watching him leave.

"He's going to the bathroom. He said to congratulate Louis for him if he came back before he did." I laughed.

"Harry can just do it himself when he gets back." I said, unwrapping my sandwich. Tori laughed lightly.

"Yeah but you know Harry." She said with a shrug. I laughed and nodded. "So tell me exactly how to went down between you and Louis. What prompted the I love you?" Grinning ear to ear, I began to tell her everything that had led up to Louis saying he loved me.

I started with us discussing the wedding and how I wasn't expecting him to give up this opportunity to go to a wedding with me, no matter how bad I actually wanted him to go. I told her about the our wedding joke I made and how I reassured him that he could go. "That's when he told me he loved me." It felt good talking to Toni. I haven't had many girl friends and I was beginning to really like her now that I stopped seeing her as competition for Harry's affection. Tori sighed happily.

"You two are beautiful together." She said beaming at me. Then, straightening up she said, "Hey Louis." I turned around to find my brown haired, blue eyed boyfriend walking toward us. He plopped down next to me and kissed my cheek, all without taking his eyes off of me,

"Hey love." He said pulling back to look at me. I blushed.


"Congrats on the whole soccer thing." Toni said, causing Louis to look her way. His smiled widened as he glanced at me.

"She told you guys already." He nudged my shoulder. "Beating me to the punch." He murmured lightly. I laughed.

"Hey man. Congratulations." Harry said, appearing then, clipping Louis' shoulder.

"Thanks Harry. Sorry I can't make the wedding."

"Hey it's not my wedding and you're not my date." The three of us laughed. Harry grinning as he sat down.

"Yeah, I know and I've apologized to my date immensely." He said glancing back at me. I blushed when he called me his date. "I'll make it up to you eventually."

"You don't have to." I said with a shrug.

"I know but I want too." He kissed me lightly.

"Thanks Louis." I replied, blushing harder.

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