2.4-where do broken hearts go

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I made the mistake of going to school that following Monday. I think part of me believed Harry wouldn't be there, but I forgot about his perfect attendance. I forgot how Harry loved school. I forgot because I was trying to forget. When I saw him, I skipped first period. I would have to be in the same room as him and I couldn't handle that. I didn't want to handle that but I couldn't skip every class that day otherwise, what was the point of going to school?

So I went to second and I went to third and every time I had a class with Harry, I made sure to sit as extremely far away from him as possible. I practically begged people to fill in the seats around me as they walked in if they didn't immediately sit there. I couldn't have Harry near me. I could barely look at him.

He tried catching my eye more than once and he always tried racing out after me once the period was over but I always escaped, slipping down hallways and hiding behind huddles of kids. I didn't know what he wanted, probably to apologize again but I didn't want to hear it.

I managed to evade him during lunch which was practically a miracle. And the rest of the day flew by in a breeze. But as I exited my 7th period class and made a beeline for my locker, he stepped out in front of me. I was so shocked I nearly fell backwards but he caught my arm. I stared at the ground, at our shoes, anything but up at him. I knew what I would find when I looked up.

His shirt and jeans were rumbled and crinkly. Maybe he picked them up off his bedroom floor which is very un-Harry like of him. I slowly trailed my eyes up to his face. I could see his backpack was partially open behind him and his hair was a wild mess of curls and despair, which was also very un-Harry like. His eyes were wide and sad, like a beaten puppy.

"Stop." I said, closing my eyes and turning away from him.

"Addie." He said, drawing out my name softly.

"What?" I demanded harshly.

"Just let me say I'm sorry." He pleaded with me, dropping his hand from my arm.

"I don't want to hear it." I replied, shoving him away lightly.

"Well I'm going to apologize and you're going to listen." Harry said following me as I moved down the hallway. I didn't reply, just clutched my bag and tried to move through the crowd faster.

"I'm a shitty friend, I see that now and I don't know why you kept up with my crap." He began, which, undoubtedly, was a good start. I kept moving. "I used you and maybe I just thought you were being a good friend but that doesn't excuse any of it." He paused like I might say something and when I didn't, he kept going. "Truth is I liked it." He blurted out. I was confused so I turned my head to look back at him confused.

"Liked what?" I muttered, turning back around.

"You babying me. You always acted like I was a fragile broken child after every one of my breakups and it made me feel good!" I snorted. "I'm not telling you this to compliment you on your comforting skills, well maybe I am, but the point is, I liked breaking up with girls or being dumped by them because I knew you would always be there for me." I stopped dead in my tracks and spun around. Harry was surprised while I was just a little bit disgusted, or maybe a whole lot of disgusted.

"You liked breaking up with girls because it would mean I would hold your hand while you cried?" Harry's eyes grew wide and I knew this wasn't what he meant but it's what it sounded like. "You're sick." I told him, shaking my head and turning around.

"Adelaide!" Harry said, frustrated. "It wasn't like that. It's not that I didn't like these girls I just knew that.. That you'd always be there for me and I liked the feeling." I continued shaking my head.

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