0.4 - seats

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Harry sat Toni in my seat. My. Seat. I shot him a look that read Harry I swear to god if you don't fuckin move this girl I  will murder you where you stand. Harry just grinned, rolled his eyes and waved me away. Like I didn't matter, like we weren't best freinds, like I didn't exist. Fuming I sat down next to Toni occupying Janet's seat who scowled at me when she saw this and sat on the other side of her best friend. The whole room had to shift around, accommodating this new girl who had just thrown off our regular seating by taking my seat. My. Seat.

Harry was whispering something to Toni. By whispering I mean full on leaning out of his desk, that stupid smirk on his lips as he spoke fluidly into her ear, brushing her hair out of the way as he did so. I watched Toni's eyes widen slightly before returning to normal and the blush continued to spread across her face. Her hair fell back down around her ear and across her cheek as Harry leaned away grinning like a fool. I ground my teeth as I watched this and turned to face the board. Everytime. Every single time.

Toni was nodding, biting her lip and staring at her open notebook. I took a peek at her handwriting. Neat, cursive, beautiful. I looked at my own. Scrawled, barely readable, messy. I know comparing your handwriting to a girls is a little sad but I couldn't help it. Everytime Harry began to fall for some other girl I started to wonder what she was doing right and what I was doing wrong. I made several attempts in the past to change myself to be more like them but they never held. Partly because if Harry was going to fall in love with me I wanted to be me and partly because some of the things Harry liked in girls like long hair, impossibly blue eyes and giggling I just didn't do/have.

My hair was a normal length, just barely past my chest. I had these dull hazel eyes and giggling was something I hated. Laughing is fine. Snickering is fine. Just not giggling. It's high-pitched, girly and a bit obnoxious. To me anyways. Harry loved it though. Toni tapped my shoulder.

"Harry says if you grip that pencil any tighter your'e going to break it in two." She tells me gesturing down to my hand. My knuckles had turned white and my nails dug into the flesh of my palms. It hurt. I didn't even notice.

"Oh." was all I said. Harry was grinning but could tell by the unamused look on my face that something was bothering me. Toni sat back in her seat and I set the pencil down lightly with my unopened notebook. Breathing in slowly I tried to simmer down and wait for the bell to ring. My phone buzzed in my pocket. Pulling it out I saw that I had recieved a message from Prince Styles. Harry. He put his contact name like that not too long ago mine was Princess Addie. He said it sounded beautiful. Like something you read in a fairytale.

What's wrong? Simple enough question. I turned my phone on silent and shoved it back into my pocket. Harry looked a bit upset as he watched me ignore his message. I've never done that before. Not even when he irritates me. I never show it. I never wanted to show it. He aggrivates me so much sometimes but I've tried to focus on my deeper feelings for him and not the ones I was feeling in those precise moments. This would not be one of those moments. I feel like Harry takes advantage of me too much, without even meaning too. He's gone too far this time placing another girl in my seat. Harry and I always sit together. Always. I want him to feel as bad as I do right now.

He's on his phone again, typing out another message as the bell rings. Licking my lips I concentrate on the board and don't look over at Harry or at Toni as the class begins. From my peripherals though, I watch Harry slowly go insane as he sends message after message that I don't react to or answer. I don't know if I like this game I'm playing or not.

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