1.6- telephone calls

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Louis took us to a beautiful Italian restaurant where we ate pasta and bread to our hearts content. Afterwards, he dropped me back off at my house where he kissed me goodnight. I was practically soaring when I stepped through the front door to my house. My parents were inside, waiting for me.

"So, how was your date?" My mom asked, smiling as she stood up.

"Wonderful." I said a bit breathlessly. She hugged me, laughing lightly.

"You must really like this boy." She said ruffling my hair.

"I might even love him." I replied.

"Whoa, love?" My dad said, standing now too. I laughed at the expression in his face. "No daughter of mine is in love at this age." He said stepping closer and kissing my forehead.

"I said might dad. I didn't say I was." He smiled.

"It's alright if you are. Just remember that love is a powerful thing." I told him I would keep it in mind.

At nearly midnight that night, I got a call from Harry. I was about to fall asleep but I answered his call anyways. It might be important. "Hello Harry?" I said sleepily.

"Oh, were you about to go to sleep?" He asked me. I yawned.

"I'm in bed, yeah. It's okay. What's up?"

"I wanted to know how your date went and I wanted to talk to you about something." I smiled softly.

"It was wonderful Harry. I'm so glad you set this up for us. I really like him." I sounded ditzy. I sounded in love.

"I'm glad to hear it." He said quietly. Except he didn't sound happy. He sounded sad.

"What is it you wanted to tell me?" I questioned, wide awake now.

"Oh." Harry said, like he had just remembered. "It's nothing really." He murmured. I snorted.

"You called me at midnight. I would say it's pretty important." I heard a lot of shifting around and the creaking of his bed. He didn't reply. "Harry?" I said softly. "Is something wrong."

"Nothing Adelaide." He whispered.

"You only call me Adelaide when it's serious." I reminded him.

"I'm.. I'm just glad your happy. I'll let you go to sleep."

"Har-.." The line went dead. Frowning, I tried calling him again but he sent me to voicemail. Why would he do that? What was wrong? Usually, I would have stayed up all night contemplating every option but I was too worn out from that nights activities. I made a mental note to ask him about it the next day.

When I did see him though, he acted like nothing had happened. Even when I asked him about it, Harry evaded the question, it made me suspicious but I didn't dwell on it for long. I should have but I didn't. What followed was my fault.


It was nearly the end of March by this point and Anne's wedding was right around the corner. I was to be one of the bridesmaids with Gemma and Louis was to be my date. Anne and Robin were super excited to meet him. And while they weren't my parents, I felt like I needed their approval. And I also needed Gemma on my side.

"Hey Harry!" I called out as I stepped into his house, spotting him at their dinning table. "Is your sister home?" I asked even though I knew she was. Her car was outside. Harry finished chewing the bite from his sandwich before replying.

"Yeah, she's back in her room. Why?"

"Girl time." I said hitting his shoulder as I followed the sound of her music to her room. When I knocked on the door, Gemma opened it with a smile.

"Addie!" She exclaimed, pulling me into her room. "It's been a while." She said, placing me on her bed and turning down her music. "What's up? Heard you have a boyfriend." She smiled brightly and I nodded smiling just as bright.

"Yeah, he's great but um I'm not here to talk about Louis. I'm here about Harry and your bet with my parents, your mom and Robin." She cursed lightly.

"I had heard you found out." She smiled sadly. "Addie, I'm sorry we just.."

"I know. You guys wanted us together." Gemma smiled and nodded.

"Harry loves you I know he does, deep down."

"We're like brother and sister." I told her, just as I've told myself for so many years.

"It's more than that. The way he looks at you sometimes.." She pauses. "That's more than brotherly love." I'm confused by what she means but we're out of time. Harry is done eating and he's complaining as he knocks on Gemma's door.

"I'll be right out!" I say with a laugh, standing. "I'll see you later Gemma." I say as I open the door.

"You'll have to tell me about that boyfriend of yours!" She replies happily. I laugh, nod and close her door. When I turn to look at Harry theres something in his eyes I can't place. Before I can ask him what's wrong, the light reappears and my Harry is back.

So in the small summary of the book that's on the front, it talks about Addie not having a boyfriend. Well, obviously, now she does. So I'm not going to use the exact wording of what's in the front but I am going to have that part in here. I just wanted to give you a heads up. Thanks for reading!

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