2.1- cheater cheater

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"So how was the wedding?" Startled, I glanced up at Louis as he sat down next to me.

"You're back!" I said happily as he kissed my cheek. He laughed.

"Got in late last night. My parents said I could skip school but there was someone I wanted to see." He replied smiling broadly at me. I blushed.

"You're not going to sit with your soccer buddies?" I asked. It was Tuesday and Louis usually alternated between sitting with Harry, Toni and I and sitting with his other friends. I was his girlfriend and he was my boyfriend but we weren't attached to the hip. Louis rolled his eyes.

"I saw some of them during training. I haven't seen you in a week." I smiled, turning away from him. "So tell me about the wedding." I gave him the rundown of the entire celebration and he seemed pretty happy that I had caught the bouquet so I took that as a good sign.

"That's about it." I told him with a shrug.

"Sounds like fun." I shook my head.

"It would have been more fun if you were there." Louis opened his mouth to reply but someone else spoke first.

"Hey you guys!" Harry said, walking up to our table. I smiled up at him as he sat down. What surprised me was that Toni wasn't with Harry. I knew she was here. I knew she was at school but she hadn't walked in with him.

"Where's Toni?" I asked lightly, like I was interested as Louis grabbed my hand under the table and interlocked our fingers. I grinned at him but he acted like nothing happened as he continued to eat with one hand. Harry was just staring at us when I looked back up at him.

"She um I don't know. She said she had to do something." Harry shrugged. "I assumed she was going to the bathroom." I nodded as Louis turned to me and began asking me about our homework for English. As I was explaining to him what we had to do I noticed how uncomfortable Harry looked. He kept glancing around the cafeteria. Looking at everything except Louis and I. Was this what it was like to be around him and Toni. It must have.

"Thanks Adelaide." Louis said, smiling before he leaned in to kiss me. I kissed him back happily, my grip on his hand tightening. When I turned back around, Harry was staring at the ground.

"Well, I have to go to the bathroom. If I see Toni, I'll send her this way." I told Harry, gaining his attention. He smiled but it didn't reach his eyes.

"Thanks." I nodded and kissed Louis' cheek before standing up and heading for the doors. The halls were quiet as I walked through them. Some classes were still in session and students weren't allowed to walk around them unless they were on lunch, or were going to the bathroom.

As I turned around a corner I saw a couple kissing up against the lockers. I averted my eyes. Public displays of affection embarrass me and I don't want it to look like I'm staring at them. Something on the ground catches my eye though. It's a backpack, just like the one Toni has. I look back up at the couple. That's when it hits me that the girl standing there making out with another boy is Toni and the guy she's kissing is Chad, from the basketball team.

I gasp, giving myself away. I slam my hand over my mouth but it's too late. They've spotted me. Toni glances over at me and looks so indifferent to my presence, like I won't rush back to Harry and tell him everything. She doesn't even try to come up with some excuse or apology. She just stands there. Chad looks confused.

"Toni how could you?" I demand, surprised that my voice doesn't shake as I do this. Toni was sweet. Toni was nice and her she was cheating on her boyfriend. Cheating on Harry with Chad from the basketball team. Toni shrugged. "Toni." I demanded, louder as I stalked toward them. "What the fuck?" Chad shifts uncomfortably.

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