0.9- numbers

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"Soooo." Toni said drawing out the 'O' in the word. She was grinning at me almost mischievously.

"What?" I asked blushing red. She laughed and right now it wasn't annoying or irritating and I was beginning to wonder why I ever thought it was so. Maybe because when Toni laughed Harry laughed and I loved being the only one to make him laugh so hard.

"Don't what me." She scolded. "Harry told me. You and Louis?" I was already blushing scarlet. Harry was over at Louis' table talking to him now. I really wish he would have told me what he was going to say first. Looking over at Louis and Harry made my heart skip several beats. Louis was nodding and smiling but looking straight at me as he rubbed his chin. Harry kept glancing my way as he leaned on the steel table in front of him.

"Yeah I guess. He could still say no." I said staring pointedly at Toni. God I hoped I didn't look too embarrassed. I've never really thought of Louis in any romantic way. He was hot sure but that's all he was too me, another attractive male who was as unattainable as Harry. Just the thought of him even thinking about me was weird. Never mind that he called me cute, he actually thought about me.

"He won't say no. Harry was pretty adamant about that." I shrugged, not daring to look back up at the boys. "Oh come on! Don't doubt yourself Addie. You're a catch." I blushed deeper. That's when Harry plopped down beside her, smiling like crazy.

"He's going to ask you for your number."

"Told you!" Toni exclaimed joyfully, clapping her hands. I tried to remain calm and collected, just in case Louis was watching my reaction.

"When?" Harry shrugged as he began to eat his untouched tray of food.

"I dunno. Today?" He said mildly, smiling as he bit into his sandwich. I hit his arm.

"Harry! When?" I exclaimed, exasperated. Harry just contiued to smile before swallowing his food and answering.

"Today." I groaned and leaned back in my seat a little.

"You didn't ask?" I demanded. "What if he never asks for my number? What if I wait all day and he never comes over? Then I'll be disappointed and upset and I'll be very mad at you!" I said hitting him again. Harry feigned being hurt.

"Do you want me to go back and ask?"

"No!" I exclaimed grabbing his wrist as he shifted in his seat. "If you ask then he'll know I said something. Then he'll know we're talking about him." Harry grinned and Toni laughed at how anxious I was being.

"He probably already thinks we are." Harry said.

"And he would be right." Toni chimed in. I rolled my eyes, but not out of annoyance.

"Okay but he doesn't need confirmation of it." I hissed finally managing to look over at Louis. He was laughing with his other athletic friends but caught my glance and even winked my way before going back to the conversation. Oh god I was probably as red as a Firetruck.

"Don't worry about it Addie. He'll ask for your number." Toni encouraged.

But I did worry. I worried a lot. He didn't ask in our shared fifth period and he didn't ask when I passed him in the hallway on the way to seventh. I was beginning to think Harry hadn't talked to him at all. I was beginning to wonder if this was all a setup for failure. Maybe there were hidden cameras to watch my crushing downfall.

By the end of the day I had fully convinced myself that Louis wasn't going to ask me for my number. It was all a hoax. So, while I was so preoccupied with my strangled thoughts, trying to get to through the sea of people and to my assigned bus while staring at the floor, I barely noticed the person in front of me until I ran into them and they placed thier hands on my shoulders to steady my fall.

I took in the black converse shoes, dark pants and printed shirt in one giant sweep. Oh god it was Louis and he was touching me. He dropped his arms, this stupid smile splattered across his face. God his scruff looked even better up close.

"Heard you said yes to going out with me."

"Heard you wanted to go out with me." I blurted out. Louis laughed while my cheeks reddened. I quickly looked around to see if anybody was staring at us. They weren't.

"Yeah of course. Why wouldn't I?" I didn't have a good answer for that. Louis shifted back and forth a bit nervously. Imagine that, Louis nervous to talk to me! Me! "So Harry said him and Toni want to go to the movies?" I nodded.

"They want to watch At Last." Louis crinkled his nose in disgust. "I know right. I don't want to see it." I said with a small laugh.

"We could watch something else." Louis suggested without meant to I said,

"Catch Me If You Can?" Louis arched his eyebrows, surprised.

"You wanna see that?" I nodded and blushed but Louis smiled. "Great! The guys wanted to go see it together but I'd rather see it with you." Damn, this boy. "Can I have your number?" I nodded shyly as he handed me his phone. It was already open to a new contact name. I quickly typed in my number and saved it. "So what time do you want me to pick you up Addie?" He asked, shoving his phone into his pocket. Oh so he did know my name.

"Pick me up?" I echoed.

"Yeah I can drive." He smiled and over his shoulder I could just make out Harry's curly head practically cheering me on from the sidelines with Toni.

"Um why don't you text me and we can talk later. I have a bus to catch." I told him.

"Okay Adelaide." Oh, it was even better when he said my full name. Louis was still smiling.

"Bye Louis."

"Goodbye Adelaide." Louis Tomlinson has my number. Louis Tomlinson has my number. Louis Tomlinson has my number. Louis Tomlinson has my number. I repeated to myself over and over. It just sounded right.

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