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Oh god I should have asked Toni what I should wear. What was I suppose to do on a date? What was I suppose to wear? Was I obligated to hold his hand? Was he going to kiss me? What was he expecting? I was near frantic as I got ready for my date. I changed my clothes six times before deciding to call Toni.

"Hey! What's up Addie?" She answered on the second ring.

"I'm freaking out. Help." I said frantically.

"Whoa, whoa! Calm down. What's going on?" I quickly explained to her all my troubles and worries about clothing and protocol when it comes to dates. "Addie, Addie shhhh." She said over my hyperventilating. "Have you never been on a date before?"

"I've been on two." I breathed out. "Both were awful and both were with boys I didn't like. It was just something I felt I needed to do but I've only been kissed once! What am I suppose to do!" I cried.

"Addie you'll be fine what are you wearing right now?" I slowly explained my outfit to her. I was wearing my dark, almost black jeans with my red sneakers and cream colored sweater. "Are you wearing anything under the sweater?" I glanced down at myself and blushed.

"A bra?" I said in a questioning tone.

"Okay, that's good. It's cute. Make sure he can't see through your sweater though. He might think you want more than you're asking for."

"Toni." I groaned, sitting on my bed.

"It's just a warning. Louis seems like a great guy so I'm sure he won't think that. Just braid back that part of your hair like you had it yesterday and put on some perfume okay?" Was she talking about when I braided the pieces of my hair in the front towards the back where they would meet or when I braided my hair back in one giant braid. Instead of asking I said,


"Okay? Good. I'll see you at the movies." We hung up. Frustrated I decided to follow her advice.

"Honey! Louis is here!" My mom shouted down the hallway. No. No. No! I told her to let me open the door! Did he knock instead of doorbell? Oh my god! I raced out of my room phone and purse in hand to find Louis standing with my father.

"Mom!" I hissed at her trying not to glare at her in Louis presence. Him and my father were talking about soccer and its upcoming season. "I wanted to answer the door."

"Your father was insistent that he answer. But look! I think they like each other." She whispered back to me. Louis glanced my way and smiled before looking back at my dad. He was talking with his hands which was immensely cute.

"Oh here she is." My dad said, turning around and noticing for the first time that I had emerged from my room. "What movie are you guys seeing?" He asked glancing back and forth between us. I've told him already but he might have forgotten.

"Catch Me If You Can." Louis replied as I stepped closer to him and him to me.

"Isn't that Rated R? You're seventeen." My dad said furrowing his eyebrows and looking at me a bit sternly. I blushed.

"It is but I can buy tickets because I'm eighteen." Louis replied easily. I thought my dad was going to comment on the fact that he was eighteen, which I didn't even know, but he merely shrugged and said,

"Have a good time kids." No threatening about taking care of me, no be careful and drive safe. It was just have a good time. Louis smiled at me and took my hand. I blushed, I've only held hands with Harry and that was when we were like ten.

"I'll have her home by ten." Ten? The movie ended at eight.

"I'll hold you to that son." There was the threatening, even if it was mild. Louis squeezed my hand and we began walking toward the front door.

"Bye guys." I said with a small wave as I closed the front door.

"Your parents are nice." Louis said smiling at me as he pulled out the keys to his car.

"Yeah, they're something." I replied lightly.

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