0.8- little talks

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Suddenly it was Toni this, Toni that. Harry and Toni. Toni and Harry. All Harry wanted to talk about was Toni and all Toni ever wanted to talk about, if I was ever alone with her, was Harry. It was disgusting. I was really beginning to wish we hadn't met her.

It's not that much between the three of us changed. Toni must have known it would hurt me a lot to see them kiss in front of me so she tried not to do it so often in front of me. But Harry is all hands and he barely notices how hurt I am. His entire world is Toni and I'm just the moon in his orbit.

"Hey Addie!" Harry said gleefully on the bus. It's our fourth week of knowing Toni, an entire month and I still don't know her favorite color or what her hobbies are. Which also means that it's thier two week anniversary and marks the near month I haven't exactly talked to Harry.

"Hi." I murmur continuing to stare out the window.

"Earth to Addie!" Harry says shaking my shoulder lightly. "You okay in there?" I turn to look at the green eyed dimple wearing boy and pull out my best smile.

"Yeah I'm fine Harry." I lie.

"Okay, good. So on our date yesterday Toni..." This is where I drown him out. Again Harry? Do we really have to talk to about her again? Don't you get tired of that? See, this is the Harry I hate. The Harry that isn't conscious of any of my feelings when he's with a girl. The Harry who is so preoccupied and caught up in this romance of his that he completely forgets/ignores me. I only have one friend, but sometimes it feels like I don't even have that. "Addie you're not listening." Harry whines tugging on the sleeve of my sweater like a child.

"You always talk about Toni. I've learned to tune you out." I blurt out. Before staring at him wide eyed. He seems surprised as well. "Harry I didn't mean that." I say touching his shoulder.

"No you're right." Harry says, the tension in his shoulders dropping. I'm right? "I do talk about Toni a lot. I'm sorry." I don't say anything. Harry is always quick to apologize. "I get caught up. You know that." Yeah, I do know. It happens all the time. I just nod my head. Harry sighs like he's waiting for me to say something but I'm afraid I'm going to speak my mind and make him upset. So I just sit there. "Why don't you tell me about your weekend." He says bringing back his glorious smile. I blush.

"Oh, um.. I didn't do anything." I shrug my shoulders. Harry cocks his head.

"Nothing? Why not?" I shrugged again. Harry is always a little bit oblivious to the fact that I don't have any other friends. He knows I'm his best friend but he can't comprehend that he's my only friend.

"I dunno I just didn't." I muttered.

"Why don't you come out with Toni and I this weekend? Or tomorrow? We're going to the movies." He says, his eyes lighting up. I resist the urge to shake my head.

"I'll be a third wheel." I protest.

"How 'bout I bring you a date?" I'm so surprised my mouth drops open.

"Bring me a.. What? Harry!" I exclaim turning red. A date? Who? Nobody wants to date me. Harry grins.

"Yeah I have this friend I can set you up with. Really great guy. I can't believe I hadn't thought of this before!" He seems almost triumphant to have thought of this.

"Wait who?" I demand.

"You know Louis? Soccer team, in our class, great butt." I sputter and Harry laughs. "That's what all the girls say anyways. You interested?" Is he kidding me? Louis? Louis on the soccer team? Popular Louis? Great butt Louis? Rich Louis? Louis?!?!?

"He would never go out with me." Harry rolls his eyes.

"Yeah he would. He told me last week he thought you were cute. Even asked if you were seeing someone." If my jaw could drop any farther it would dislocate and roll away.

"He did not!" I cry out flushing and bringing my hands up to my mouth to try to keep my excitement at bay. I don't knew why I'm getting so worked up. Louis is no Harry but he is Louis. And Louis, according to Harry, thinks I'm cute. "Why would he say that?" I whispered to Harry who laughed.

"Should I take that as a yes? Do you want to come out with us tonight?" I nod so vigorously it surprise me. Harry laughs again. "Alright I'll tell him." The bus pulls to a stop outside our school and everyone begins grabbing their things off the floors and seats. I'm near giddy as I shoulder my backpack. The butterflies in my stomach are creating a whirlwind. I barely notice it when Toni and Harry kiss in front of me because I'm staring beyond them. Louis is walking up the steps of the school and I swear I saw him look my way.

The song is, you guessed it, Little Talks by Of Monsters and Men

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