2.0- wedding bells

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"Harry!" Anne shouted. "Get in here!" Normally, I would've been horror stricken that Anne was calling Harry to come in while Gemma and I were changing but right now, I didn't care. I was wearing shorts and a bra, it was about as much clothing as I wear when we go swimming. No big deal.

Harry emerged in a suit, his wild curls pushed back over his forehead, looking around for his mother. I was shimmying into my dress at this point and it was just at my waist. Harry locked eyes with me. I smiled and his cheeks turned scarlet. He looked away.

"Yeah mom?" He asked Anne lightly.

"Oh dear is everyone here? Are we ready to start?" Anne asked him as I struggled with the zipper on my dress. I couldn't hold up the front and pull the zipper up my back at the same time and Gemma was having her own problems with hers. Harry never got to reply to his mothers question because she saw us and said, "Oh, Harry go help your sisters."

Gemma sighed in frustration and let Harry zip her up before checking her hair in the mirror. Harry moved in almost slow motion toward me. He'd been acting strange for a really long time now and I can't get it out of him what's wrong. I turn my back towards him. He keeps one hand on my waist as he zips up my dress. When I turn around to thank him, he's disappeared.


"You may now kiss the bride." I nudged Gemma as Robin and Anne leaned in. They kissed and the church erupted into applause. Gemma and I laughed and clapped as the two of them walked back down the aisle. We walked down the steps of the alter and Harry held his arm out to me. He was my escort. Anne didn't know Toni very well so she wasn't part of the wedding but I was glad it was Harry that was my escort. This was a big day for him.

Behind us, Gemma's boyfriend Jerry took her arm and followed us back up the aisle. "Wasn't it just beautiful?" I ask Harry excitedly.

"Yeah, beautiful." He says, smiling at me. "Ready for the reception?" Out of the corner of my eye, I soy Toni clapping and smiling from her seat in the church. I pull out a fake smile.

"As I'll ever be."


I was sitting at a table with Harry, Toni, Gemma, Jerry and an empty seat. I sighed looking at it. The empty seat had been for Louis who wasn't here. I really wish he was because right now, I hated being here.

It wasn't the wedding I was unhappy about. I was so glad Anne had found someone else but I couldn't help staring at Toni and Harry. They had been together nearly three months now while Louis and I were approaching our second month. Having him not here, reminded me of the time when I was in love with Harry. A time I didn't want to go back to. So why couldn't I look away.

"Harry." Toni said lightly, standing. That pink dress on her accented every perfect feature and made me feel like dust in a dresser. I was plain. I was boring. I wasn't Toni. Snap out of it. A voice hissed in my mind. You have Louis. The voice was right but it also knew that Louis wouldn't be my first choice. "I'm going to the bathroom." Harry smiled.

"Okay, hurry back." He replied, kissing her lightly before she walked away. I sighed and turned back to look at the stage setup on the grass. Anne was walking up the steps to the mike sitting there. She smiled and straightened the stand when she got there.

"Hello friends, guests!" She said enthusiastically. "I need every unmarried women to come front and center because I'm about to toss my bouquet!" She exclaimed happily. There were cheers throughout the crowd as ladies all around stood up. That gave me an idea.

"Harry, I'm going to catch that damn bouquet." The curls in his hair bounced as he turned my way. A dimple formed on his cheek while he smiled. That slight, mischievous twinkle shined through in his green eyes. "I'm going to catch that bouquet and I'm going to marry the man of my dreams." Just who that was I didn't know. Was I talking about him? Louis? He chuckled.

"You might need to get Louis on board that boat." I smiled at him.

"I know. I just gotta catch that bouquet. Watch me Styles." I said, standing up and making my way over. Toni would miss it but I was glad she was going to the bathroom. I didn't want her in the crowd of eligible ladies. It might get Harry thinking.

"Everyone here?" Anne says into the microphone. There's shouts of agreement and I laugh as I stand next to Gemma in the crowd.

"We both have boyfriends!" Gemma shouts to me over the noise of the crowd as Anne feigns throwing the bouquet to the left.

"Well you never know! They could be the one!" Gemma laughs as Anne turns around and throws the bouquet. At first, I thought it was nowhere near me. I thought it might sail over my head but it must have been lighter than everyone anticipated. Hands reached up to grab it but it sailed in a near perfect arc towards me.

I caught the bouquet.

I stand there awestruck as everyone screams around me. Then Gemma is grabbing my arm and laughing and I'm laughing too. I caught the bouquet. I actually caught the bouquet! I turned around to look for Harry at the table. Had he seen what happened? Was he impressed? Instead, I found his arm slung around Toni and their lips attached to each other. All of my excitement faded.

"Come on!" Gemma exclaimed, dragging me back to our table. We rushed back over to Harry and Tori who had stopped kissing by the time we reached them. "Look what Addie caught!" Gemma exclaimed as she sat us both down. Harry smiled softly.

"You didn't see?" Gemma demanded. Harry shook his head. Of course he didn't. He was busy with Toni.

"So you did catch it." Harry said slowly. I nodded, brining out my best smile.

"Yeah, I did."

"Looks like you and Louis are going to be together for a while." Harry continued.

"Looks like it." I murmured, rubbing the delicate petals between my fingers. Just then Jerry returned and Gemma excitedly began explaining what had happened. I smiled my widest and wished Louis was here instead of Europe.

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