1.4- kisses

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Louis jumped, I almost laughed. I was using his hand, which was gripped tightly in mine and my left hand to shield my face. Louis gave me a look. "You're not even watching." He whispered in my ear.

"Hearing is enough." I whispered back getting dangerously close to those very kissable lips of his. Louis smirked like he knew what I was thinking.

"Come on enough of that." Louis said softly taking my hands down from my face before lifting up the cup holder between us. I pulled my legs up onto the seat and scooted closer to him. Louis let go of my hand but tossed his arm over my shoulder before surprising me by kissing my cheek. "Feel better?" He asked, smiling.

"Slightly." I jumped again as blood was sprayed at the camera. Louis laughed lightly.

The movie ended with a lone survivor to the paranormal witness, as I expected. Louis shook his head as the credits rolled. "How lame. The demons hardly get their due and I bet you that guy goes insane." He said pointing at the words as they rolled up the screen. I laughed at him.

"You don't know that. He could have been fine."

"You saw his face at the end. Did that look like the face of a sane person to you?" I laughed and shook my head.

"I guess not." Louis grinned as we exited the theater.

"So how was school today?" He asked, grabbing my hand as we walked towards his truck.

"It was okay but I liked tonight better." Louis smiled to himself and I blushed at my boldness.

"I do too." He murmured. We were quiet as we walked through the parking lot to his truck. "Oh, we're supposed to meet up with Harry and Tori again.. Right?" I shrugged, unsure as I scanned the area. Tori mentioned something but I couldn't remember. "Because I kind of wanted to go get ice cream with you or something." I turned and smiled as he unlocked his truck and pulled open the passenger side door.

"That sounds good." I replied.

"Ice cream?" I nodded. Louis grinned as he shut the door. He walked around the front and helped himself in. "Ice cream it is then." Louis said, starting the truck.

Louis got vanilla and I got rocky road. He called it old people ice cream. "Every adult I know loves rocky road!" He pointed out. "Nobody else likes that flavor."

"Well I do and I'm only seventeen." I said hitting his arm. "Besides, neither of my parents like this flavor."

"Maybe you're meeting all the wrong adults." Louis teased.

"No, maybe you're meeting all the right adults. Rocky Road is good." Louis grinned as he stirred his ice cream with his spoon.

It was later that night, when we were walking up to my front porch, where my parents had graciously left the light on, that Louis asked me something that took my breath away. "Can I kiss you?" He was holding my hand lightly and we were already at the front door. I pursed my lips and looked up at him, a little scared.

"Yes." I whispered. I was almost afraid he hadn't heard it but Louis bent down and kissed me. It was like magic.

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