0.6 - my first kiss

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"So are you still mad at me?" Harry questions as we exit our school after the final bell.

"Yes." I reply evenly. Harry pouts and runs the tips of his fingers over his forehead.

"Come on Addie." He says nudging me. When I don't respond he tugs on my elbow like a small child. I start to laugh involuntarily. Harry smiles.

"You're not mad." He says happily. I snort and roll my eyes.

"I'm definitely mad. Don't tell me how I feel Styles. I just..." I pause by the shade tree right before you hit the parking lot. Harry has one eyebrow arched. He crosses his arms now and leans against the bark of the tree. "You're my only friend and I don't know..." Too bad he's not listening. The corners of his lips pick up from that frown he's wearing and he begins waving at someone behind me.

"Toni!" He calls out, trying furiously to get her attention. You have got to be kidding me.

"Oh hello." She says shyly walking over to us and pushing the glasses shes wearing farther up her face. Harry is grinning like a fool.

"How was school?" Harry asks her enthusiastically.

"Well school is school." Toni replied like that was some sort of explanation. Harry laughed a little but I didn't get it.

"Do you take the bus?" I almost punched Harry. There was no way, no way that I was going to allow Toni anywhere near us if she took the bus. I didn't care. Harry wouldn't push me away.

"No my mothers here to pick me up." Toni said to my greatest relief. I practically sighed in satisfaction. She pointed off toward a car gleaming in the sunlight. A blonde women sat behind the wheel sunglasses raised above her face. She looked pleasant enough and waved when she saw us staring.

"Oh, well I guess we'll see you tomorrow then." Harry said still smiling like crazy.

"Yeah bye guys." Toni replied without looking back. Harry looked like he wanted to say something more but she ran off.

"I saw that." He said suddenly. I snort and roll my eyes.

"Saw what? You hanging all over her?" Harry chuckles as he steers us towards the buses.

"No, I saw you tense up and what do you mean hanging all over her? I'm not hanging all over her." He replies pulling down the straps of his backpack. I roll my eyes again. This always happens. This always happens. I tell him he's getting in too deep when I know I know the girl isn't as interested in him as he is. It's not that Harry's a bad boyfriend. In fact he's one of the best. He can be a bit smothering sometimes but he's so sweet. He deserves way better than half the girls he dates. I don't want to sound conceded or self important but he deserves someone like me.

"Nothing Harry." I murmur glumly as we board the bus. Thankfully he doesn't press me for information. Once we sat down he went on some tangent about his day today. I would like to say I was a good friend and I listened but I really wasn't. Harry doesn't need much encouragement to keep talking though. A simple nod of the head or a smile and he'll think I'm paying attention. It's not until he brings up Toni halfway to his stop that I tune back in.

"I think I might ask Toni out." Im so startled I nearly fall out of my seat.

"What? Harry!" I cry out. He's surprised by my reaction. "She's barely been at school! She has to settle in. You don't want to come on to strong. Think Styles." I say knocking my knuckles lightly against the side of his head. Harry starts laughing, throwing back his head.

"Oh my god Addie I didn't know you felt so strongly about this." I don't, not really, but if he asks her out right away not only will it be months until I can try again but there's always this nagging feeling in the back of my mind that this won't last for months, that they'll end up getting married.

"She will flip Harry. She's new. She hardly knows you. You can't just ask her out." I insist. Harry grins and holds his hands up in defense.

"Fine, I won't ask her out right away. How long should I wait?" I think on this. If I said a month he might think I just don't want them to be together, which I don't, but if I say a week I'll have exactly seven days to change his mind about her and set his sights on me.

"Two weeks at least." Harry nods his head back and forth before smiling at me.

"Okay Addie. I'll take your advice." The bus comes to a grinding halt and the driver opens up the doors. Harry grins again and kisses my temple. "Bye Addie. Text me okay?" I nod, trying not to blush at his show of affection. He does this every now and then, but it still catches me off guard. When he disappears down the aisle and heads out the door onto his street I touch the side of my face in wonder. Harry doesn't know this, or at least I hope he doesn't, but he was my first kiss. Well, we were each other's first kiss.

It was sixth grade. Hormones were flying. Literally. I almost wanted to invest my money in love spray and keep a bottle handy. Everyone was so handsy, and touchy when before hanging out with a boy was something you did for fun and not a sign that you were dating. I was twelve years old and content with the fact that I had never kissed a boy or that one had never tried to kiss me. Harry was the same way. He wasn't interested in girls yet. Yet. He came over to my house one day in a panic though.

"Maggie wants to kiss me!" He cried out, bursting through my bedroom door. I jumped off of my bed confused.

"What? Why? How do you know?" I questioned. He was running his hands through his unruly curly hair. It's not that Harry wasn't cute, he was actually a bit nerdy but still a kissable boy. I would've kissed him. I wanted to kiss him.

"She told me! She wants to meet me after school tomorrow to do it!" Harry explained. "It's going to be bad. Really, really bad." I paused for a couple of seconds thinking. Here was my chance.

"Kiss me." Harry stopped pacing and just stared at me.

"What?" I couldn't tell if he was confused or disgusted. I went for confused.

"Kiss me. I'm your best friend. Come on, it's practice." Harry just stared at me before stepping closer and looking deep into my eyes.

"Addie, you would do that?" I shrugged.

"No big deal." I replied. The kiss was sweet and short. We sat on my bed and he held my hand before we leaned in, closing our eyes. The second our lips touched I knew that this was the boy for me. I wouldn't be able to kiss another after him. He was my first kiss and I want him to be my last.

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