2.5- the end

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I was like a ghost. I drifted through the hallways without a care. I felt that I had no purpose. There was nobody to talk to and nobody wanted to talk to me. Louis would smile and wave occasionally but I didn't go up to talk to him and he didn't come up to me.

Toni could be seen in the hallways with an assortment of guys. She would laugh, flip her hair and bat her eyes. She had all the boys drooling over her. It made me sick.

Harry still tried relentlessly to talk to me but I wouldn't have it. Sometimes I would just let him talk in front of me and I would tune it all out. When he would pause, waiting for an answer from me, I would just walk away. I wouldn't let him get the best of me. I wouldn't let what Louis had said affect me. I couldn't allow myself to love Harry anymore.


"Honey, we haven't seen Harry over here in nearly three weeks." My mom said fretfully. "You two aren't fighting are you?"

"No mom." I say, putting on my best smile. She purses her lips and looks at my dad. Clearly they know something. She sighs and my dad nods his head.

"Sweetheart we've been talking to Anne." There it is. "She said Harry's been locked away in his room for nearly a month now. He doesn't talk to her or Robin or Gemma and you haven't been over to their house recently either."

"Mom." I said slowly, not wanting to sound harsh.

"He keeps listening to his music on full blast and he's not eating anymore. Honey, what's happened between you guys.,

"He didn't believe me!" I blurted out. My parents stared at me confused.

"Believe you about what?" My dad asked me. It all came flowing out of me that night over dinner and honestly, I'm surprised I didn't cry.

"And it doesn't matter anymore okay? We're not friends. I don't want to forgive him. I can't forgive him!" I exclaimed. My parents stared at me in silence. I pursed my lips, feeling the bottom one shake. I wouldn't cry. I didn't want too.

"Honey, you have to forgive him." My mom said slowly.

"I don't have to do anything." I grumbled.

"I know you don't but the bond between you and Harry, it's something that can never be broken, no matter how hard you try." I didn't want to listen to this.

"Can I be excused?" I asked, standing up. I didn't wait for their reply, I just left my half eaten dinner and my parents, in the dining room.


Harry left me a voicemail on my phone over the weekend. I couldn't bring myself to listen to it until late that night.

Adelaide, I know you're mad at me and you have every right to be. But I want to talk to you. Actually, I need to talk to you. And you actually have to reply to me, not just walk away. I know my confession was a little out of the blue and the timing of it was bad but I can't loose you. We don't have to be together Addie, even if we're just friends I'll be happy with that. Please.. Just, talk to me.

I didn't call him back but I did delete the message.


A month and a week. I've actually gotten pretty used to being alone. Harry has also stopped coming after me which is nice too but he continually wears headphones during class and has his head in his arms on his desk. There's bags under his eyes and sometimes they're bloodshot, like he's not sleeping. I try not to look at him directly.


There was something tapping on my window. I'm not saying I'm a chicken or anything but one of my greatest fears is looking out my dark window at night and seeing something staring back at me. I think anyone would be afraid of that. Besides it was nearly midnight. Lots of weird shit happens at midnight. And while I would like to brush this tapping off as a branch hitting my window, the closet tree to my window was at least five feet away and my dad always kept the branches neatly trimmed. Besides that tapping, sounded like knocking.

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