2.2- torn

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My mom allowed me to stay home from school. I had told her something had happened and when I asked if I could stay home, she didn't argue, didn't put up a fuss. She was worried and confused but she didn't ask me anymore questions. After giving me my breakfast, she closed the curtains and turned off the light. My room was bathed in darkness and I ate my cereal slowly. My stomach began churning and lurching though. I couldn't stand it anymore so I stopped eating.

After swallowing the feeling of wanting to throw up, I laid back down and buried myself in my blankets. I didn't want to think. I couldn't think. Harry, my best friend, didn't believe me. We had been through so much together and I couldn't believe I had lost someone so important in my life. I wanted to talk to somebody, anybody.

I would have told my parents but they would turn around and tell Ann and she would talk to Harry. I would call Gemma but she might do the same thing. The only person I had really was Louis and I hadn't even told him all the details yet. Every time I tried to yesterday, I would know get chocked up, stop and blink away any forming tears before telling him I would tell him later.

I didn't want to cry. I think I've wasted enough tears on Harry.

Louis: Are you okay? :(
Louis: You're not at school
Louis: And I still don't understand what happened.

A lump formed in my throat. I couldn't talk to Louis face to face about this, but maybe I could text him. I knew if i talked about it out loud, I would cry and I was afraid if I didn't, I wouldn't be able to stop.

Addie: It's a long story Louis.. I curled up under my blankets in my bed, taking several deep breathes to calm my beating heart. It felt like it could leap right out of my chest.

Louis: Well I want to hear about it.
Louis: I'm your boyfriend and I want to be here for you. I wiped at the single tear that rolled out of the corner of my eye and slowly began typing the story out in parts.

Addie: The short story is..
Addie: Toni is cheating on Harry and Harry doesn't believe me.
Addie: I think he hates me. How could he not believe me? My best friend.. So far, I had only chocked several times but I hadn't started crying. Maybe I could talk about it in front of Louis. Then I pictured the sad doe like eyes of sympathy he would give me and I almost lost it.

Louis: Wait, what the hell? Harry did that?

Addie: Yeah...

Louis: Babe I'm so sorry. Can I see you after school please?

Addie: You have practice..

Louis: I don't care. I'm going to come over. I smiled, almost laughing. He was going to skip practice for me. My heart leapt for joy this time, butterflies filling my stomach.

Addie: Okay :) I added a smiley face so he knew that I was happy about him skipping practice for me.

Louis: Okay, so what exactly happened?

I told him what happened after I left the cafeteria, how I found Toni pressed up against Chase on the lockers and how I fought with her. I told him how she said Harry wouldn't believe me which I still didn't understand. How did she know that? She obviously knew something I didn't. I explained my fight with Harry and how it's been a long time coming.

Addie: He's not really my friend when he has a girlfriend.

Louis: Yeah, I think I've noticed that. He like shuts you out. I nearly jumped up and down from joy. Finally, somebody understood! Harry wasn't my friend when he had a girlfriend. We were more like acquaintances.

Addie: I know and I've tried being understanding but it's really hard. Especially since I had never been in a relationship.

Louis: But now you are. :) I wanted to squeal.
Louis: I can't believe he would say you were shutting him out though.

Addie: I guess.. When he was doing it, he never saw it as shutting me out.
Addie: To him it was probably just opening and closing the door to a locked room.

Louis: That's a really good analogy.
Louis: Hey, it'll be okay though. I'll talk to Harry if you want.

Addie: I don't know Louis..

Louis: Actually, he's asking about you. Louis continued to tell me that Harry was asking about me. He was wondering where I was but he didn't say anything else. Louis simply told him I wasn't at school.

Addie: And he didn't say anything else?

Louis: No, he didn't. I'm sorry.

Addie: It's okay, you have nothing to be sorry for.

Louis and I texted sporadically the rest of the day. He had classes still so I wasn't upset when he didn't reply right away. I ate lunch at my dining table alone because my parents were both at work by then. Then there was nothing left to do but wait for Louis to come over.

Louis: I'm here Addie ☺️

When I opened the door I found Louis standing on my porch with a teddy bear, a bag full of chocolate and a bouquet of roses. "Louis." I said a bit breathlessly, staring at him. He was smiling widely. "You didn't have to."

"Yeah I did." He said stepping inside and wrapping his arms around me. Plastic crinkled as he hugged me tightly and I hugged him back.

"Thank you."

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