Chapter 14: Dear Steve

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Dear Steve,

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Dear Steve,

I can't believe that I have already been in Washington for a week. It really is a good thing that I grew up on a farm, otherwise the 5 am starts would be really getting to me by now.

I wish I could tell you the names of the people that I'm working with, but because of the work they do they can't be mentioned. The one person that I can tell you that I met is Howard Stark. He really not as bad as his reputation make him out to be. He's definitely a massive flirt but once you tell him that you're not interested he backs off. Which is more than I can say about some of the guys I went to school with. Howard actually has a really good sense of humor. The news reports really don't do him any favors, he is actually a really nice guy.

I wish you were here Steve; I just miss you so much. Life isn't the same without you here. And believe it or not, I'm actually missing Bucky as well. But don't tell him that otherwise neither of us will hear the end of it.

Love Kimberly

Dear Kimberly,

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Dear Kimberly,

I miss you so much as well. I completely understand that you can't tell me somethings. I wouldn't want you to put yourself in danger because of me. I'm not worth it.

I can't believe that Howard Stark is there. He's been in the news lately about some new type of engine that he is making. So, I guess that's why the army wants to work with him. Its nice to know that he is actually human under all that ego that he seems to have. Maybe the newspapers really do just portray him the wrong way.

Don't worry, I won't tell Bucky that you miss him. I think he actually misses you as well, not that he would ever say anything. You know Bucky, he will never admit that he is actually sentimental under that sarcastic attitude of his.

I saw Marge yesterday and she told me to tell you that if the food isn't any good at the army barracks, she will send you food so you can survive your stay there.

I miss you and think about you every day.

Love Steve.

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