Chapter 46: Country comfort

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The whole trip back to Tennessee Steve panicked about meeting my family

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The whole trip back to Tennessee Steve panicked about meeting my family. He wanted to make a good first impression with them but was over thinking everything. No matter how many times I told him they were going to love him, he still continued to worry. In the end I found it easier to let him worry about meeting my family than stressing over Furry's offer.

"What if they don't approve of me?" Steve asked for what had to be the hundredth time as we walked off the SHIELD jet.

"They will love you, Steve. Besides you have already met Pa, technically," I told him as he picked up Elsa, who had fallen asleep on the flight home.

"Very funny, Kimberly."

As soon as we walked in to the airport, I could see my mother jumping up and down, waving at us with Pa standing behind her shaking his head at her. As we got closer, she started calling out to us to make sure we could see her. When people started to stare at her, my Pa put his hand on her shoulder to calm her down.

"Honey your home! I have missed you so much," she said as ran up to us and pulled me into a hug.

"It's only been a week, Mum. You're acting like you haven't seen me in years."

"Oh, be quiet Kimberly. You must be Steve; I have heard so much about you. I'm so happy that I can finally meet you," said to Steve, who had to quickly pass Elsa to me as my mother pulled him in for a hug.

"It's lovely to meet you Mrs. Odinson," Steve said to her, surprised that such a tiny woman could have so much strength behind her.

"Don't be silly, we're family, call me Kellie."

I looked over to Steve and gave him a I told you so look. He gave me a sheepish smile back, telling me that he knew that he worried over nothing.

"Kellie, let them breathing for a second. They just got off the plane," Pa told her, gently pull her away as Elsa woke up.

"Are we home yet, Mummy," Elsa asked, yawning as she woke up.

"Why don't you tell me, sugar?" my mother asked as she takes Elsa out of my arms.

"Grammy! Guess what I saw Uncle Clint and we went to the park," Elsa started to tell her a million miles an hour, giving my Pa time to welcome us home properly.

"It's nice to see you again Steve," he said, shaking Steve's hand.

"You too Tommy, just never thought it would be so far in to the future. I'm still getting used to everything," Steve tells him as we start to make our way to the car.

"Trust me, you will get used to all the craziness. Never thought I would when Peggy first showed up with that Fury guy, but eventually we all did."

Luckily, Pa parked the truck close to the entry of the airport, so it wasn't a long walk carrying all our luggage. As I buckled Elsa in to her car seat, Steve and Pa put the luggage in the back.

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