Chapter 32: Reuions and meetings

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I took off running as soon as I meet his eyes

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I took off running as soon as I meet his eyes. It had been so long since I had seen my father and I missed him so much. Every emotion that I have kept bottled up inside since the day he was killed came falling out. I knew I was crying as I hugged him, but I didn't care. He was here with me and he was alive. That was all I wanted.

"Hello Kimberly, it's nice to see you in person finally, I've had Heimdal watch over you as soon as I knew about you," he told me as he stroked my hair.

"I have missed you so much."

"I know my princesses*, I know. Now dry those tears, you're with your family now."

"Brother, if you don't mind, I would like to meet my niece," Odin said, interrupting my reunion with my father.

"Brother, if you don't mind, I would like to meet my niece," Odin said, interrupting my reunion with my father

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He was a daunting sight to behold. He was holding Gungnir, his spear in one hand, the other was on my father's shoulder. He had an eye patch over his right eye, the one that he sacrificed at Mimir's well that sat at the base of Yggdrasil to gain the knowledge of the nine realms and runes, and he had a cape on that was similar to the one that Thor had on.

"Of course, brother," my father said moving aside to let Odin through.

"Hello Kimberly, welcome to Asgard. I hope you enjoy your stay here," he told me, but I could tell that just like his son, he wasn't truly happy that I was there.

"Thank you, All Father, it is an honor to meet you and have the chance to visit Asgard," I told him as I curtsied slightly.

Odin turned and walked away from us and slowly the crowd starts to return to normal. My father took me by the hand and led me to the side of the room where Loki was waiting for us. I was glad not to be the center of attention anymore and finally started to calm down.

"I'm sorry about that, Odin can be a little intense," my father told me as we finally joined Loki.

"I would say rude, condescending or a terrible person but intense works as well," Loki added as he casually draped his arm around my shoulders

"One day that mouth of yours is going to get you in to trouble my dear nephew."

"What can I say, I like to cause a little mischief every now and then."

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