Chapter 35: Goodbyes and I'm sorry's

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That night a traditional Viking funeral was held for the men that had died in battle

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That night a traditional Viking funeral was held for the men that had died in battle. Their bodies were put put on boats and set a light. All of Asgard watched as the boats sailed across the sea, towards a waterfall where they would be taken to Valhalla. Everyone was silent as Frigga recited the Viking prayer;

"Lo, there do I see my father.

Lo, there do I see my mother,

And my sisters, and my brothers.

Lo, there do I see the line of my people,

Lo, they do call to me.

They bid me take my place among them,

In the halls of Valhalla

Where thine enemies have been vanquished

Where the brave may live forever

Nor shall we mourn but rejoice for those that have died the glorious death."

After the last boat drifted off in to the unknown, Odin turned to his people and spoke.

"People of Asgard, tonight we stand here not to mourn the passing of our brave warriors but to celebrate their lives. With their sacrifice, Asgard continues to be the shining star of the nine realms. Their sacrifice will not be in vain as because of them we are free. Free to continue the ways of Asgard, to protect our people. Do not miss those who have moved on from this realm as they are now in the arms of the Valkyrie in their new home in Valhalla. Do not morn as we will see them again after the days of Ragnarök. Do not morn as because of their actions we are safe!"

The whole crowd cheered as he finished his speech, I wasn't convinced that the people shouldn't morn. For me, it was an important part of grieving. But I was not about to question Odin, just as he had started to accept me. I looked over at Loki and I wasn't too sure, but I didn't think he agreed with the words of his father.

When the crowd started to leave, I stayed and looked out over the waterfall into the night sky. My father wasn't able to receive the Viking funeral that he deserved. That was taken from him by Schmidt, because of him I never had the chance to reach out to our family in Asgard in the future to let them know what had happened. Standing there, I swore that Schmidt was going to pay for what he had done, not only to my family but everyone else who had suffered as his hands.

"I die in the future, don't I?"

Startled by the voice behind me as I thought I was alone; I turned around to see my father standing behind me. I held my hand out to him, inviting him to stand next to me.

"Do you really want to know?" I asked him he took hold of my hand.

"You just gave me the answer. But please don't tell me what happens. I rather not live knowing how I die."

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