Chapter 33: New abilities

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My father spent the rest of the day training me how to use my powers in ways that I never imagined

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My father spent the rest of the day training me how to use my powers in ways that I never imagined. He showed me how to create an icy wind that I could use to lift myself up, how to create ice pathways to move faster between locations and so much more. By the time we had finished it was well past dark and I was exhausted but proud of the progress that I had made.

"That's enough for today, I would like to spend the evening with my niece if you don't mind," Frigga said as she walked in to the training area.

"There's no point in arguing with her Kimberly, you might as well go," my father told me as he helped me off the ground where I was sitting.

"Don't forget, tomorrow we show the boys how it's done," Sif told me as she walked out of the training area, waving goodbye as she walked out the door.

"I'll see you tomorrow Kimberly, have a nice evening with Frigga," my father told me as he followed Sif out of the arena.

"Now dear, go shower and meet me in the library. I think I may have found out a few things that may interest you."

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After I had showered, changed and had eaten the food Frigga had sent to my room for dinner, I headed out of my room to find the library

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After I had showered, changed and had eaten the food Frigga had sent to my room for dinner, I headed out of my room to find the library. The palace was huge and I hadn't had the chance look around yet so I ended up wandering the hallways hoping that I might stumble upon it by sheer luck. But after ten minutes, I was starting to think I would never find my way out of the maze of hallways. As I was thinking that a persons could get lost and never be found in the hall of the palace, I heard a voice call out to me.

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