Chapter 4: Home, sweet home

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It was a long flight home from Norway and all I wanted to do was ask my father questions about his past but couldn't because people would over hear

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It was a long flight home from Norway and all I wanted to do was ask my father questions about his past but couldn't because people would over hear. So, I settled for watching movies to keep my mind from wandering. As always, my father slept the whole way back. I have never been on a flight where he hasn't failed to fall asleep as soon as the plane takes off. I honestly didn't know how he did it.

When we got off the plane, waiting just on the other side of customs, was my mother. Just before she saw her my father grabbed my arm and gently pulled me aside so that he could talk to me privately one last time.

"Don't forget your mother doesn't know about my past. I would love to tell her but it would only put her in danger," he reminded me.

Looking over my mother, I knew he was right. She was a walking ray of sun shine who saw the best in everyone, there was no way I would ever do anything that would put her in danger.

"Of course, I understand."

My father smiled and pulled me into a hug. He loved my mother more than anything, even more than any of us knew. After all, he gave up everything for her.

Walking out of customs, my mother threw herself in to both myself and fathers arms pulling us both in for a group hug. She was several inches shorter than me at 5'2 but made up for that with the heels she had on bringing her closer to my 5'8 frame. But was still tiny compared to my father. But there was no questioning that Kellie Odinson was a force to be reckoned with. She had the biggest heart out of anyone that I knew, but in the true definition of a southern belle, she was also extremely feisty. There was nothing more frighting than my mother when she was on a roll. She was never afraid to stand up for what was right, which was a big reason she worked Oscorp.

The division she worked in dealt with the "mutants" that the news had been reporting on for so long. Her job as the head of the mutant power division was to find out how peoples DNA could change so much to create unique abilities and to show that they are not a danger to society. What a lot of people didn't know about the good work that Oscorp did, they weren't like Stark Industries who profited off weapons they sold military or AIM who wanted to weaponise mutant powers. Norman Osborn wanted to make the world a better place for all. But he had become more recluse lately, which was worrying my mother.

"My babies are home!" She yelled with her face pressed against my father's chest and arm wrapped around my waist. "Y'all don't know who much I have missed the both of you. The house isn't the same without the two of you!"

I couldn't help but laugh at the way that was bouncing on her heels as she spoke to us, making her look like some sort of human form of Tigger.

"I missed you too, mum. The whole time we were gone, I had no one that wanted to listen to country music with me," I joked looking over at my father who just rolled his eyes.

My mother, brother and I all loved country music and went to the annual music festival every year in Nashville. My father wasn't the biggest fan and loved to make fun of us when we went out, dressed in our ripped jeans and cowboy boots to a concert.

"Don't look at me like that Kimberly, you know I don't speak hillbilly," he laughed putting his arms around both our shoulders, leading us both over to collect our luggage.

"Don't mess with us Dad, you know what real girls are made of," I said to him, looking over at my mother to finish my sentence.

"Y'all know that real girls are made of, gun powder and lead," she finished, referencing the Miranda Lambert song.

The three of us laughed as we collected our bags and head out to the car where, of course, we listened to county music the whole way home.

The three of us laughed as we collected our bags and head out to the car where, of course, we listened to county music the whole way home

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It took about 2 hours to drive home out of the city to our home that was in the country side

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It took about 2 hours to drive home out of the city to our home that was in the country side. I loved our home with its white trim and bay windows. My room was at the back of the house, looking over the fields. It had big bay widows with a window seat with lavender walls and white furniture. It also had its own bathroom and walk in closest. I loved my room, it was my escape from the world, my own little sanctuary and there was nothing I was more looking forward to than falling into my bed and going to sleep.

At some point of time, I must have dozed off because the next thing I knew we were home. The first thing I saw when we walked into the house was my brother and Pa holding a big sign that said welcome home. Dropping my bags, I ran over to both of them and hugged them.

"I've missed both of you so much," I said with both my arms wrapped around them.

"I missed you too Kimmy cub," Pa said as he pulled me in to a tighter hug, making my brother rolled his eyes at Pa's nickname for me.

"Yeah, I missed you as well Kimmy cub," he said sarcastically pulling out of the group hug.

"Missed me or my friends who usually come around to use the pool during summer," I teased my younger brother who had just finished high school making him blush scarlet under his farmer's tan.

The whole family stayed up that night, ordering pizza and looking over all the photos from the trip. After hours of laughing and telling stories I got up to get a drink from the kitchen. As I looked out over the big widows over the sink, I saw a strange blue flash of light over the fields. There was nothing but farmland in the fields and nothing that would cause a flash like that. Walking over to the windows to get a better look I was knocked off my feet by a blast the shattered the widows.

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