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         I was still trying to process all that I had learnt. Dylan and Chris were in a gang and there was a possibility that I could be used as bait to lure the to of them into another gang.  At least my mom didn't know.
        When I got home I was so glad that my mom wasn't home. I was a zombie,all the the news had left me hollow. Dylan stayed away to protect us, he didn't want Chris around to protect me and Chris wanted to leave me to protect. Gosh.
      I was awed, sad and slightly mad. I guess you are wondering why I’m mad, well to protect me, I can't go visit Chris or call him and neither can I call him.
      I climbed the stairs still juggling my thoughts. I went to my room to get ready for bed. I kept looking at my phone for some odd reason like I was expecting a call or message. And you wouldn't believe, I got a message from an unknown number and the message left me horrified:
       We will be watching you, stay safe
      On a normal day I would just ignore the message and continue with my life but now that I know I’m practically a tool waiting to be used I'm worried.
       I promised myself to tell Dylan later.
      I couldn't get sleep because I was attacked in my sleep by nightmares. I actually woke up by six in the morning and decided not to sleep again.
       I brushed my teeth, took a quick shower and decided to give my room a good cleaning, at least that would keep my mind busy.

       After cleaning every area of my room I wanted to start cleaning my bathroom when I heard my mom squeal. I was slightly panicked but then I heard Dylan's voice and I knew what I had to do.
        I went down to go greet my brother and also give him a message. I got down there to meet them in an embrace.
     “Dylan!!!” I screamed acting like I had not seen him yesterday. I rushed to hug him and whispered,“I’m in danger!” I pulled from the hug and went to kitchen.
      Dylan joined me later and tried to ask something but I cut him short by showing him the message.
         “When?” he asked.
          “Last night before I slept.” I told him leaving out the fact that I barely slept.
         “Did you tell Chris?” he asked.
       “No, I thought I wasn't supposed to talk him.” I admitted looking down.
       “He would want to know and besides he would know what to do.” he told me.
       I immediately got into action, I forwarded the message to Chris. He replied instantly like he was expecting my message.
CHRIS: Be right over.
     I was confused, wasn't he in the hospital? Dylan saw my look and saw the message. He  then explained that gang members don't spend more than a day in the hospital. Isn't that risky.
          Mom had received a call from her ‘boss’ so she left.
       Chris came over and I resisted the urge to hug him because I had to focus, my life is in danger people!
      “How do we end this?” I asked fearing the answer.
      “Death.” Chris said. I gulped. Exactly what I feared.
          “The only thing we can do at present is to protect you. But unfortunately, we have to do it ourselves and that is risky” Dylan told us.
       “I can't stay home. Mom would be at risk.” I told them.
        “So, you are going to be going out more often. There's a down side to this.” Chris told us.
       “What’s the down side?” Dylan asked.
      “They may just get your mom instead.” Chris explained. Dylan and I shared a look.
      Chris held my hand and squeezed it.
      “I won't go out a lot and I won't stay home a lot.” I told them. They both nodded. Dylan left us alone and I was grateful because right now I really wanted to hug him and that is exactly what I did.
     “It’s gonna be okay.” he said stroking my hair. I t was a cheesy sentence but I really wanted it to be true

        The next day at school I wasn't expecting anything at all. I had even forgotten about my Gloria problem because mom had met with my principal, it wasn't until one of Gloria's goon pulled me into a empty hallway. He rammed me against one of the lockers.
      “You are so pathetic, making your mom talk to the principal.” he said and laughed sickly.
      I wasn't really worried because I knew Chris was around the corner.
        “For that little stunt I’ve been ordered to make you go through hell and back.” he said.
     Ooo I’m so scared. Puh lease, he wasn't even as muscular as Chris.
       “I wouldn't do that if I were you.”  Chris said coming out of hiding.
       “And why wouldn't I ? She's just a piece shit.” he said. I could tell that Chris was really mad because in a matter of seconds whoever that guy was, he was sporting a black eye.
       “And the rest of you better not touch her or expect much worse.” Chris warned. That guy ran like his house was on fire and he had only a matter of seconds before everything was lost.
      Chris took me by the waist and kissed my forehead. Was it legal for him to be so hot when he's mad?
      I was so lost thinking about  how hot he was that I didn't notice when more goons came. Did they really want their butts handed to them.
     Chris smirked as they came his way. I stepped out of the way while Chris was taking them down like it was nothing. It was like it was rehearsed. You action movies right? The way the good just fights off the bad guys like it's nothing, that's the way Chris was fighting them and I fell more in love with him.

Love u guys.
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-Carsyne 😘

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