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Luna was just shocked. She sighed. She didn't know she would be right. " But you know bad boys are always the best.”
  I rolled my eyes.
      We were in the cafeteria eating our lunch like normal people until Chris decided it would be a good idea to fight with some random person for some random reason.
    This not only gave him detention but also made more loved by most of the female population.

          School was finally over, now I could go home and sleep. I was on my way out of school when I passed by Miss Ange classroom which was where we had Math and also where detention was held.
      I heard Miss Ange on a phone call. She came out, stared at me and told to keep watch over the delinquents( as she calls them). It wasn't the first time I had been asked to do that. I gulped and walked in taking my seat on Miss Ange's chair. Chris looked up. He was confused unlike James and Harris who were regular here and knew I do this from time to time.
    "What are you doing here? You couldn't have done  anything bad, you’re too much of a goodie two shoes." He said staring at me.
"I'm standing in for Miss Ange" I said with a shrug. He just sat there and watched me while I paid him zero attention.
     When Miss Ange came back, I wasted no time in bursting out the door and went to meet Luna, who was waiting for me in the parking lot.

     "Where have you been?" she asked annoyed.
    "Sorry, Miss Ange caught me and asked me to hold up detention till she gets back" I said panting considering that I ran.
    "So you mean to tell me that you spent almost thirty minutes alone with Chris Jones"she squealed.
      “James and Harris were there.” I told her but she waved it off.
     With that we both got into the car. Luna dropped me at my house.
      All I wanted to do was lay on my bed and sleep. When I got in, my mom was in the living room.
    "How was your day?" she asked
"Fine" I replied and walked to my room. As soon as I got in, I laid down on my bed and just as I was about to drift to sleep I got a text.
       I expected it to be from Luna or Joe or even my distant uncle but I was wrong. It was from Jack, my worst nightmare.
     Actually, my ex boyfriend but still the same thing.
       I gulped down saliva and opened the message. It read:
UNKNOWN: Hey Kitten, did you miss me? Well I missed you and I’m coming back for you. Love you.

      I didn't understand how he got my number. I changed it after he left and managed to free myself from him, so how did he get my new number?
    You are probably wondering how I know it's him and not some crazy stalker. It's easy, only Jack calls me Kitten. He started calling me that because I like kittens.
     Back to the present situation; the words shook me to the core. I kept my legs close to my chest and cried. I didn't want to see him not now, not ever.
       The next day at school I avoided everyone. I was scared he would be here today. I couldn't avoid everyone though, Luna came to me when I was alone in the Chemistry lab
   "What's wrong?"She asked. I didn't reply
    "Hello, you there?" she asked and at that exact moment, Jack entered and came to me.
    Was he following me?
   "Hey, Kitten." he said with a smirk. Luna turned to me with shock. Jack gave her a look and she scurried away. She was scared of him too and I don't blame her. Jack is abusive and I don't know how I didn't see it before.
      Jack sat down beside me, I moved in fear, he took my wrist tightly, hurting me in the process.
            “You know what happens when you run, I always catch you and that's when it hurts.” he whispered dangerously.
     I squeaked at the close contact between us.
       “I’m sorry but this isn't a love garden. It's a Chemistry lab and not that kind of chemistry, I mean chemical related chemistry so please do your lovey dovey whatever outside the lab.” Chris said with every word soaked in disgust.
     For once in my life, I was happy to see him.
    Jack let me go but didn't move. Instead he glared at Chris who sat in the row in front of us.
     Slowly the class filled up and I prayed that the day would go without a further hitch.

Hey readers I just want to say thank you so much for reading.
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Love you 💛
-Carsyne 😘

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