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      JACK IS TOM HOLLAD        

     After hours of crying and self pity, I went down to the kitchen to get a snack. I checked the fridge for some biscuits or chocolate but I found some ice cream instead. I got comfy on the couch and decided to watch anything that Disney had to offer.
     I was in the middle of a Bizzardvark marathon when I heard a knock on the door. Who could be at the door at this hour? Mom would surely use the key to enter, right?
     I stalked over to door and peeked through the peep hole and was surprised to see Joe all battered. I quickly let him in and made him sit on the couch while I went to get the first aid box. As I was cleaning his wounds I couldn't help but wonder what he did. You all may be wondering why Joe is at my place, you see he lost his mom at the age of ten and his dad is always away on business trips.
   “Joe, what did you do?” I asked him.
   “Let out my anger,” he slurred. Great now he's drunk, how will I get him home.
   “You know I have always liked you (hiccup) and I know that if I tell you, you may not feel the same (hiccup) but seeing you with Jack pushed me to the limit and I just couldn't hold it in anymore,” he said. I was stunned. I had had a crush on Joe for a while and hearing this it was a shock. I just continued patching him up. When I was done, I got up to return the box but Joe held me down and kissed me.
   He pulled away and looked in  my eyes and saw so many emotions. We stayed like that for a couple of minutes before Joe decided to go home. I didn't want him to go because of his drunken state but he still went anyway.
     School was not the place I wanted to go to. One of the reasons was because of Jack, the second was because of Chris. I couldn't bear the disappointed but unfortunately for me I had French and Acting class  today. Just great!
    “Why do you do this? Why do let yourself be used?” Carter who is actually Chris asked Gina who unfortunately is me
   “Used, how?” was my unsteady reply because I knew that those words had double meaning. He was about to say something when the teacher stopped us for the day. I was so grateful. I don't think I could have lasted any longer.
      In the hallway, I was walking all alone cos I needed to think. I was almost in class when I pulled into the Janitor's closet again!!! Seriously what is it with me and being pulled into the Janitor's closet!
       I was expecting it to be Chris or Jack but it was Joe. It shocked me. I was afraid that he didn't remember what happened last night and I was also shocked that Joe pulled me in here. Joe isn't the whole ' I’m gonna abduct you guy '  know what I mean.
    “Why am I here?” I asked since no one had spoken between us and I wanted to brake the silence.
    “I just wanted to know how you are concerning last night’s kiss.” he said nervously. Aww he remembered.
     “Uh, yeah. I actually like you too,”
   What did I just say. I wasn't supposed to say that.
    After hearing that he just smiled and I couldn't help but smile back. The moment was cut short by my phone. A message from Luna asking why I wasn't in class and that Mr Frederick would give me detention if I don't show up in the next two minutes.  I didn't think twice after reading the message as I dashed out the closet to the classroom leaving Joe alone.
   I got to class just in time and made some silly excuse why I was late which Mr Frederick believed. When I took my seat I immediately texted Joe an apology.
      “So what's the real reason your late,” Luna asked in a whisper. Count on Luna to know when I lie. The whole English period was used to tell Luna all that happened between last night and what happened before I came to class.
     She is so infuriating. I know I didn't teach her much but could have at least put up a fight. I punched my locker in frustration. She's gonna have to deal with me during our lesson.
     I walked to her house after school with a mission in mind. I rang the doorbell and after a couple of minutes a very ashamed Cara opens the door and lets me in. Her friend was there but that wasn't going to stop me from lashing out at her. “Really you could have at least put up a fight you know,” I said and she flinched “ I know I didn't teach you much but at least you could have said something?” that was when that her friend decided to jump in. “Watch it okay! You may have taught her something as you claim but seriously, this is an emotional situation and not a logical one,” Joe said . I then started to realize he was right. It's not easy to fight someone who has hurt you. It will only bring back the hurtful memoires and you become numb.
      I read Martha's diary that's how I know all this. I decided to change the topic but first I had to apologise. I'm not all that bad you know. “ I’m sorry,” I said. She looked at me me then said,“It’s okay. I understand. That's how I would feel if you failed French.” Her friend, Joe seemed to calm down after that. When the awkward moment was cleared we got down to learning French.
    After thirty minutes of hearing weird words and after thirty minutes of explaining I was finally out the door  and on my way to the gym. When I got there I heard the most shocking news. Dylan Stats was going to train me for the fight.

   So  here it is Chapter 10. I'm so sorry that I haven't updated. I was so caught up in other stories. I'm bad author and I understand if you hate me for that. But, anywhoooooo, how are you guys and what did you think of that Joe and Cara moment. Send me your thoughts in the comments and don't forget to vote.
Byeeee till next time.
- Carsyne 😘


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