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I looked between Joe and Chris wondering what just happened. I thought there was going to be another fight but there wasn't; after Chris and Jack went to get some drinks they chatted albeit it looked forced.
Luna took me home. As soon as I got to my room I collapsed on my bed and let my mind wander back to Chris. "He promised to help get rid of Jack. But how?" I thought out loud. My thinking was cut short by my phone vibrating in my back pocket. I pulled it out, I got a message from an unknown number
Why'd u leave the party so early
Me: Who are you
Chris: Your little helper
Me: Chris?! How did you get my number
Chris: I have my ways. Why did you leave so early
Me: Coz I didn't feel like sticking around
Chris:. Oh
And with that he stopped texting.
Today was the worst day of the week, why? Because all my classes are horrible, well, apart from French class. I hadn't seen Chris through out the day, not that I was looking out for him but Luna kept bringing him up.
In French class I took my normal seat but was shocked to see Chris there. "You take French class," I asked. He looked at me and was about to say something but our teacher walked in.
"Cara qu'es tu nationale?" asked Mr Frank
"Je suis Americanees,"I replied. Mr Frank praised me and went on with the class.
At Home
"You are so lucky to have sat beside Chris,"Luna squealed. I rolled my eyes. "So what movie are we watching?" I asked changing the topic. As she was about to answer my phone rang, I answered without looking at the caller ID,"Hello,"
"Hey Cara, I need your help," Chris said
"Chris?!" Luna jumped at the mention of his name
"Will you help me?"
"What do you need,"
"You to teach me French,"
"Thanks, I will be there in five minutes," he hung up.
"You had his number and didn't tell me,"Luna said.
"Forget that, he is coming over,"
"He knows your house too, " she gasped.
"I'm just finding out myself, "
Then there was a knock on the door and as I went to open it, Luna kept making herself prettier or at least she thought so. When I opened the door, I saw something or should I say someone. I was staring at her for so long that Chris had to clear his throat, " Oh, sorry, where are my manners, come in," I stepped aside so they could enter. We walked to the living room when the little girl asked,"Chrisy, why are we here?"
" We're here so I can learn more on French," he replied
" Is she your tutor?" she asked looking at me with a smile on her face. Chris just nodded. She walked up to me and introduced herself as Ellie
"Be careful, he is hard to teach,"
"Really? Well he hasn’t met a tutor like me," she giggled. Luna walked out and Ellie almost jumped out of her skin,why? Luna decided to destroy herself with make up and her long nails made her look like a witch. "Luna, what did you do to your face?"
" You look like you just came out of a horror movie," Chris said and Luna looked mortified. Before there were tears I sent Luna upstairs to clean up the make up and then went to get my books to start the tutoring session. Ellie said she was gonna help me keep him in check
5 Minutes Later
" I can't do this anymore," whined Chris. I hit him at the back of his head and he yelled, "It's just been five freaking minutes,"
"I need a break,"he whined again but I lifted my hand and he kept his mouth shut
Luna had been in the living room, alone. I begged Ellie to go play with Luna. She left but only lasted about two minutes before begging Chris to take her home claiming Luna was trying to kill her and that was the end of the tutoring session.
"I am so offended that she doesn't like me. Everyone likes me," Luna said with a pout. I just shook my head and went back in my house
  I was walking through the hallway when I was pulled into the Janitor's closet , again!! What is it with me and being pulled into closet.
     It was Jack. This could not be good. “ I see you’ve got pretty boy on your side,” I was starting to get scared, what was he going to do. “Your mine and no one else's,” and he left
     I was numb through out the day. I shut everyone out. It wasn't until English class that my senses snapped and that was because I got detention and for the first time in history. Luna and Joe were shocked, Luna kept telling me how lucky I was to spend time with Chris. Yes, as you might have guessed, Chris still has detention.
      When I stepped into the room, I found out that it was only Chris and I apart from Miss Ange that was there. They were both shocked to see me but I ignored their looks and took a seat at the far left corner of the room close to the window. Everyone got back to what they were doing while I just sat there thinking about my encounter with Jack. I had been thinking for so long that I didn't realize that detention was over. It wasn't until Miss Ange left the room and Chris came to sit down beside me,“What happened to you?” Chris asked. I didn't want to tell him since I hadn't even told my best friends so I lied and said,“It’s family drama.” then I left the class.
      When I got home I met Luna and Joe waiting for me. They all asked what was wrong with me and I told them what happened in school. They all tried to comfort be but to no avail but one thing that struck me was Joe’s words;“ We will find a way for him to leave you alone, don't you worry,” It reminded me of what Chris told me at the party, I went to my room and called him. The first time he didn't answer but on the second try he answered the phone
“What’s up Frenchie?” he asked
  “Um..  you remember at the party where you said you would help me with Jack?” I asked
   “Yes I do remember. Is this why you acted that way in school?”
     “Yes, but forget that,do you have a plan yet?”
     “Nope,”. I hung up immediately. What am I going to do? As I was mopping to myself, my phone rang, as expected it was Chris
  “ What?”
“ I’ve got an idea that just might work,”
  “What is it?”
  “ I’m gonna teach you how to fight back,”
“ I don't do violence remember,”
“Who said anything about violence?”
   Hun I’m confused, did I just hear him right? How do I fight back without violence?

Hi guys, sorry for the late update. I’ve been obsessed with other stories but here it is. Anyway I was thinking ahead, I want to put in a special POV later on so I want you guys to choose

I’ll be waiting for your votes
Pls vote and comment, they really push me to write  for you guys

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