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    At the end of class, Mr Fredrick asked me to show the new guy around.
    He later introduced himself to the class as Chris Jones.
      I breathed a heavy sigh. Couldn't Mr Fredrick ask any of the other girls who wanted to bite my head off to take him on the tour?
        “Lead the way already, I don't have all day and neither do you.” he said gruffly.
      I looked at him quizzically then shrugged and led the way. I really do hope that Mr Fredrick explains to my teachers why I am late.

      Showing Chris around the school was not fun. He would be asking random and stupid questions. It was beyond annoying.
     “... and that ends the tour.” I said with mild annoyance and relief.
   The tour was finally over.

“Ok. Thanks Cara.” he said with a smirk.
   I was about to ask him how he knew my name when I remembered that Mr. Fredrick called me in front of him.
      I started making my way to the next class. His footsteps were behind me.
   Was he following me?
“Why are you following me?” I asked him as I turned to face him.
    “I’m not following you, I’m headed to Math class.” he said with a bored look.
     I turned away and continued my walk, his footsteps still behind me as we were both headed to Math class.

    When we entered, all heads turned to us.
      “That was faster than I expected.” Miss Ange said looking at us. She then ordered us to take our seats. Chris sat at the back while I sat with Luna at the mid row on the right.
       “Wow! You spent thirty minutes and forty-five seconds with that piece of handsome.” Luna said dreamily while I just rolled my eyes.
    Count on Luna to fawn over a guy.
    The class progressed slowly and my brain was frying quickly. Why is Math so stressful for my poor brain?
      “Jones, come slove this.” Miss Ange called.
    All heads turned to look at him while I relaxed my poor stressed out brain.
       He solved it quickly and correctly causing all the girls to swoon.
    “He’s so smart and handsome!” were some of the things that some of the girls were saying.
   I looked at him and saw he was smirking.
   I rolled my eyes, now he’s ego has been inflated.
    “Joe, a breath of fresh air.” I said to Joe when we met in the hallway. He looked a me confused.
     “You’re the only one around who isn't in love with Chris Jones.” I sighed.
     He just chuckled as we headed to Algebra, another branch of Maths.
   Why does the world want to fry my brain?

       Honestly, I just shut out Miss Walker’s voice throughout the class and just copied notes from Joe. Once I graduate from highschool, I am never doing anything involving Math again.
    Why couldn't Math just stop at addition and subtraction. Multiplication and division would be optional.
      I sighed at the thought of that. That would be awesome.

       “Are you tired Miss Stat?” Miss Walker asked in her scrutinizing voice that sent shiver down my spine.

        “No ma’m.” I said quickly before she decided to slice me into little bits with her eyes.
   Nope, can't let that happen. I shivered at the mere thought of it.

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Love you 💛
-Carsyne 😘

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