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     Dumb, dumb, dumb that's what you are!! That is what I have telling myself for the past three minutes. How could I tell her that I wanted to feel like someone other than myself, she’ll have questions, they always do. I avoided her through out school and didn't go for the tutoring session, I can't answer any questions she may have. That's why right now, I’m at the gym putting all my frustrations into my training. “Woah man, don't destroy the punching bag, we all need it,” Kyle said with a little humor. I stopped and looked at him, I couldn't tell him, he’d just make fun of me and tell me to face her but I can't, she doesn't need to know about my messed up life. “Why don't we spar, let's see if  I’ve improved.”  I told  Kyle, he smirked
     Home at last, after my eventful day I’m finally home laying on my bed. I can't continue to hide from her, I promised myself I would help her and can't like this, so I’ll just have to suck it up and face her tomorrow.
     I hate my life the only thing good in it is Ellie, I may not have been able to help Martha but I will help Ellie with whatever I can.
     Biology was the first class I had today and I had it with Luna, at least that's what I think her  is. She is so readable, anyone would be able to tell that she had a crush on me as well as some of the other girls in the school. She was trying to flirt with me but I paid her no attention all that was on my mind was to deal with my Cara situation.
    During lunch I sat at my usual table looking for Cara. I am someone who can read people like a book just by looking at them, I had to learn with the kind of life I’m living. The doors opened and she walked in with her two friends by her side. They sat down and she turned to look at me, I scanned her, she didn't have any questions on her face. That's good. She turned back to face her friends. Now I can relax.
    It's after school and I’m presently in the gym waiting to audition for the role of Carter, the young rouge who finds love in the end. Luna is up on stage with Cara, Luna is auditioning for Diana, my character’s love interest and Cara is auditioning for Gina, Diana's best friend
  “Do you think he’ll like it,” Luna said, gesturing to her dress which was just a plain gown.
“ He’ll love it!” Cara exclaimed
“You trully are my best friend,” Luna said hugging Cara. They left the stage then Linzy I think and one of her minions did the same scene but they didn't do it as well as Cara and Luna, the relationship they displayed seemed forced.
   Now it's time for me and Joe’s scene, Joe is supposed to be Diana's boyfriend but Diana ends up falling for Carter.
“ Are you gonna go to the dance,” Joe asked
“Dances aren't my thing, besides, I don't have a date,” I told him.
“Don’t worry Gina would be there and she doesn't have a date, maybe you too could serve as each others date,” Joe suggested. I rolled my eyes, then said,“What makes you think I like her?” He narrowed his eyes then replied, “Whatever,”
   And that was the end of auditioning, our teacher said the results will be given to us tomorrow. Now to go to Cara’s house. I got there in no time. I met her two friends there, I studied her she still had no longing to question me, that means I am in the clear.
“Hope you don't mind that I bailed on you yesterday?”. I asked her
“You probably had your reasons,” was her reply. Her voice sounded so genieue,like she had no questions for me. We settled in the dining for the lesson while her friends stayed in the living room watching TV.
   Today was an improvement, I lasted for fifteen minutes before I couldn't take it anymore,“ Frenchie how do you do it?” I asked Cara she just shrugged. “I just have a passion for it. Okay before we quit, one more question,”she said and I nodded. She smiled,“Quel âge as tu?” was the question. Great, all I heard was age, wait, that must be it,“Je suis dix-hui?” I said but it sounded like a question
“Good but it should be‘J’ai’. Try again”
    Great, I’m finally getting somewhere. Here I go,“J’ai dix-huit” I said and she beamed. I rubbed my hands and her smile fell then she pouted,“I don't want to,” she whined.
“You’ve got too,” I told her. She knew I was right that's why she didn't make a fuss. I was about to make a scene, Joe walked in. “Uh  guys I think we should practice the play,” said Joe, at this Luna perked up and came our way, “ That's a great idea,” Luna said. Cara got off the counter saying something about getting the script. Ugh, I did not plan on this.

“But Gina can't you see that I have no feelings for you!” I exclaimed
“No, I don't believe you!!” Cara said in between fake sobs. Luna walked into the classroom which was actually just the living room
  “What’s going on here, why are you crying?”  Luna asked. I looked at Luna with saddens, at least that's what my character was supposed to do. She walked up to Cara,“I’m sorry you had to find out this way, but Carter and I are together now,” she said looking at Cara with sad eyes
“Does Fred know?” Cara asked looking up at us.
      After a few minutes we all got tired and decided to rest. You all are wondering why we're rehearsing right? Well our teacher sent us all an email of the cast. Guess he didn't need long to decide the cast. I looked at the time and was shocked to find out it was 4:30, now I have to get to the gym so I packed my stuff and left.

Okay guys, so I decided to write a whole chapter from Chris’ point of view. Hope you guys liked it. Also pls check out
Luna was Alessia Cara.
     The first is by my friend AYORKREADER and the other is by me, a new story. Please check them out, comment and vote
- Carsyne 😘

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