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     Dylan Stats was actually going to train me. He is the best fighter in our gang. He has won three fights in a row which is awesome. 
     “I want you to give me fifty squats. Now!” those were the first words he said to me.

      I got home to meet no parents and a sleeping Ellie. I tucked her in and went to lay down. My whole body ached from all the training. The tournament is just a couple weeks away. I let out an aggregated sigh and took Martha's picture from by bedside table. Cara is just like her and no matter what I will save her from her deadly relationship.

     Joe had left not to long ago and now I'm the only one my room. My mind went back  to what Chris said. And he was right, I can't let all his teaching go to waste, no way!
     No matter what I had to stand up to Jack and get him out of my life for good. Just then I heard my window open, and there is only one person I know that comes into my room via window; Jack.
    “How’s my girlfriend been?” he asked in an intimidating tone
    “What do you want Jack. Name it and I'll do it just don't hurt me okay,” I said with so much confidence it shocked me. Am I going crazy? This is Jack I’m talking to.
      “Someone is feisty. Fine, just do what I ask tommorow and you’ll be fine,” he told me and I just nodded and he left.
   That went well I guess.

    So far, the day has been great. I didn't tell Luna or Joe. I didn't want them to worry, I can handle it, right?
     The bell rang for lunch and rushed to the cafeteria with Luna because I was starving.
  “Slow down!” Luna yelled at me. I rolled my eyes. When we entered the cafeteria I was pulled aside by Jack. I wanted to glare at him but I stopped myself. Where is all this confidence coming from?
   “I want you to sit with me on my table and more preferably on my lap,” he said smirking. I widened my eyes. What?! No way! Chris teachings are doing something to me and I couldn't hold it anymore.
   “No!” I said crossing my hands.
  “What?!” he asked taken aback.
   “You heard me. I am not your toy or puppet you control. I will not do that period!” I said glaring at him. We had gotten the whole cafeteria’s attention.
     Jack was fuming
  “I’m your boyfriend....”
   “Nope,” I cut him short
    “You aren't. You are just a coward whose only strength is my obedience but not anymore. Do your worst,” I dared him. I was walking on thin ice. His arms were itching to hit me.
    “Since you won't, then I will,”
  He looked confused. I took that moment to kick him where the sun don't shine. He dropped to his knees. I then straddled him and gave him punch after punch. He couldn't do anything, why? My first punch was to his neck. When I was done I said,“Now leave me alone and don't come back cos I’m not your toy!”
      The whole cafeteria cheered for me while some people carried him to the nurse. I don't know where all that came from but I’m glad I did it. I searched the crowd for Chris. He had a proud smirk on his face and his arms were crossed. I walked up to him and gave him a hug. And yes it was front of everyone. I hope I’m not drunk ’cause I don't know where all this strength was coming from.
   “Thank you so much,” I whispered to him and then I left the cafeteria although I was still hungry I couldn't deal with all the attention.
        I hadn't gone far when I heard footsteps. I turned around to see my two best friends.
  “That was awesome. Where did you get all that courage?”  Luna asked as she hugged me.
    “I don't know,” I replied truthfully.
    “Why’d you hug Chris?” Joe asked
    “Yeah, why did you?” Luna asked releasing me. I drew in a breath
   “You see, Chris has been giving me lessons on how to stand up to people. So I hugged him as a thank you for all the help,” I explained.
      “Don’t worry Luna. I like someone one else,” I told her while looking at Joe.
    “You guys are so cute. So that Jack is gone. Are you guys gonna become a couple?” she asked. I chuckled at her antics but stopped when I felt a pair of arms around my waist.
   “Of course. Or do you  object to that?” Joe asked me. I was just numb so I nodded. Joe and I. I had dreamt of this day for so long.
   “Yay. So you two are a couple now,” Luna cooed. I shook my head and then the bell rang.
   Aww, thanks to Jack I am starving. I went to class either way and had to survive on an empty stomach.
     After what seemed like hours the bell rang and I practically jumped out of my seat and ran home. When I got there I immediately went to the kitchen and ate the first thing I saw; cereal. Yup, cereal with no milk.
     My mom came downstairs, “Well someone is hungry,” she said.
  “You have no idea,” I replied her. She chuckled.
   “Mom I have some good news,”  I told her
    “Oh really,”
     “Yeah. Today I stood up to Jack,”
    “Jack? He’s back?” she asked. Oh yeah, she didn't know he was back. I sat her down and told her everything. I told her about Chris teaching me and how he was disappointed in me and how I stood up to Jack.
   “Wow,” that was the first thing  she said to me
   “I really shouldn't have judged Chris like that. I'm really happy for you sweetheart,” she said and hugged me.
    “Mom, Joe and I are dating now,”

  Hey guys.
     Soooooooo, what do you think about Cara’s sudden confident boost and what will be her mom's reaction to the news. Do tell in the comments.
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- Carsyne 😘

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