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        Bruno Mars as Kyle   
         “What?!” she yelled.
    Maybe I should not have told her just yet.
     “Honey, don't you think it's too soon?” mom asked
      “Mooom. I have liked Joe for months now and you know him. He won't break my heart and I don't want to waste this opportunity,” I admitted to my mom.
   “Honey, be careful,” she said as she got up and left.
    I hate today. Today marks the tenth year of Dylan's departure from our life. All that comes to mind today is when he's going to come back. I miss him so much. Only mom and I know about Dylan. I never told Luna and Joe.
    “Okay class, I have some news,” Mr Grey announced. The whole class stopped their chattering and focused on Mr.Grey
   “We have only two more weeks of rehearsal before the big showcase. So, there will be a two hour rehearsal after school for the next two weeks starting today,” he announced.
    What! Two hour rehearsal? Two weeks? This is crazy.
     “Today is such a great day, don't you think?” Luna asked.
     “Non, pourquoi?” I asked
    “What?” Luna asked clearly confused by my words
   “Oh, sorry. I said ‘No, why?’” I translated.
    “Well for starters,no Jack. Secondly, I get to spend two hours with Chris,” she explained dreamily. I rolled my eyes.
       “So what you girls talking about?” Joe asked when he got to the table.
       “Just how lucky we are,” Luna replied.
      “Cara, we should totally have a girls night,” Luna squealed.
     “Why exactly?” I asked while taking a bite of my bugger.
      “Is reason really necessary?” she asked. I shook my head.
      “So it's settled, I’m coming over by eight okay,” she said and I just nodded. At least it's by eight. That gives me enough to cry my eyes out. Oh Dylan, why did you have to go.
    “Cara!” Joe called.
    “Hmm, what?”
    “Weren’t you listening?” he asked
    “No, sorry,” I apologized. He sighed
    “Would you out with me Saturday night?” he asked.
   Wait! Did he just ask me out!
   “Sure,” I replied as casually as possible.
      “You guys are so cute,” Luna cooed, I blushed and then the bell rang.
      What great timing ; note the sarcasm. Well at least I’m having French
     “Okay class I have a surprise for you,” Mr. Frank said. What could the surprise be.
     “It’s a test. Now put your books away,” he said as he was passing the question papers around. This would be a piece of cake for me, but I wasn't so sure about Chris.
     I glanced at him and he looked a bit worried.
      The questions were a bit complex but they were okay. I just hope Chris was handling it well.

     “Okay class you are dismissed. You will receive your results in the next class,” Mr Frank said as we all excited the class. I caught up with Chris and decided to ask him about the test.
   “Was the test okay?” I asked him.
   “It was complex but I was able to manage,” he said. I just nodded as we both headed to drama class.

     “Okay class, I want us to start off with the scene were Diana and Fredrick have a big fight. Joe and Luna walk on stage
    “Diana what's going on with you? You’ve been distant lately,” Joe inquired.
     “Fredrick, I can't believe you are this blind.(sighs) I don't love you anymore...”
   “What are you saying?” Joe asked
       “I love Carter Fredrick!”
        “You can't be serious! No! You aren't going to be with him, not as I’m alive,” he said as he stormed out.
     We moved the scene to where Fredrick confronted Carter. Diana and Gina are present.
  “You! How could you?! I thought you were my friend but you behind my back with my girlfriend!” Joe spat
     “He what?” I gasped
      “He didn't do anything, I made the first move,” Luna confessed.
I gasped yet again . This is fun.
        Joe makes a move to strangle Chris.
     “Fredrick don't do it!” both Luna and I shouted. He withdrew and stormed out. I followed but not before giving both Luna and Chris nasty looks.
    Before I knew it two hours was over and Chris and I were walking to my house for the usual tutoring session.
     “You were awesome today,” Chris said complimenting my acting.
      “Thanks. When next can I see your sister?” I asked him remembering the last time I saw her.
      “Maybe next time I come for tutoring,” he told me.
      We made it to my home in a few minutes.
    “I’m home mom,” I yelled into the house to let my mom know I  was home
       “Okay honey,” she yelled back.
     “Okay, make yourself at home while I go get the necessary tools,” I told him as I went upstairs to get some of my old French books that could help him.
      Cara just went upstairs so I'm alone in her living room. I envy this girl. She has a stable family and doesn't need to do things that would hurt her conscience.
    Looking at her family photos, in most of them everyone looks sad and forced. In one particular one, only three people were there. Cara, her mom and I guess her brother. He looks so familiar. I quickly turn away when I hear footsteps.
   “Okay, shall we begin?” Cara asked
   As we settled down we heard a knock. Cara looked a bit shocked guess she wasn't expecting anyone. She walked up to the door,opened it and there he stood. Dylan Stats. I was shocked but what shocked me the most was what Cara said,“Brother?”
    Wait hold the phone
    Stop the bus
     Everyone quiet
   Did she just say brother?
  “Hey little sis,” he said. She broke into tears and called her mom. Her mom rushed down and on seeing Dylan she too burst into tears. They all hugged each other while I stood there like a fish out of water.
     I backed away into the kitchen and allowed them to have their time. I heard them talking. They asked how he was and where he was. He started off the story like this:

Ooooo, cliffhanger. I knew you all saw this coming. Till next time
-Carsyne 😘

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