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         Cara was full on drunk. I had stayed sober just in case she needed my help. It hurt me so much that I would have to distance myself from her just when she had confessed her feelings for me.
       Cara was presently on the dance floor dancing her heart away. The scene just made me smile. She then turned to me with a seductive look and made her way over to me. She put her arms around my neck and played with my hair. She stood on her tip toes and pressed her lips on mine. I smiled but kissed her back.
     “Lets get you home, it's starting to get late.” I told her. I expected her to go against me but she complied and we left to her house.
     We got there in forty-five minutes. We could have gotten there sooner if not for her constant tripping.
    I took the house key from her purse. I let us in and guided her upstairs. I was searching for her room. I came across a room which had a heart and a big C on the door. I knew it was hers so I took her in and made her lie on the bed. I took off her shoes and left her to sleep. I didn't give her anything to change to because I didn't trust drunk Cara.
    I left her a note about the events of the night just in case she started to wonder and panic.
    I left to my house after locking her door. I just have to get her out of my life for her own good but now... now it's going to be hard.

     I woke up to my alarm. It was loud causing my headache to ache more. I didn't know a hangover was this bad. I looked at me and realized I was in my room. How did I get here? I guess Chris brought me and since I'm in the same clothes I wore, we didn't do anything dirty. I got up to go to the bathroom to brush and freshen up when I saw a piece of paper. I picked it up and read it. It was a letter from Chris letting me know everything that happened last night. I smiled at his gesture. It was then the events of yesterday flooded into my head. I can't believe I actually kissed him.
    After thinking of Chris I finally got ready for school.
    School was a usual bore. I didn't expect to see Chris in school since had been skipping some days. That's why when I saw him at my locker, I was shocked.
     “Whatcha doing here?” I asked him.
     “Thought I’d see you before I leave tomorrow.” he told me.
Oh yeah he's leaving tomorrow. Wait, but tomorrow is Thursday.
    “I’m leaving tomorrow so that I’m not late.” he clarified.
    “Oh,” I replied in understanding.
     I had just gotten my books for my class from my locker and was about to go to class when I was confronted by Joe and Luna. Oh yeah, they existed.
   “You’re such a liar you hoe!” Luna screamed at me. I knew what she was talking about so I didn't reply.
    “Why? Why did you did you do it after I gave my heart to you” Joe said. At his statement I burst out laughing.
     “You,” I said pointing at him,“gave your heart to me? After our first date you just treated me the same. When Luna de-friended me, you were supposed to comfort me, but what did you do? You sided with her.
     Now, would you please get out of my way?” I asked agitated.
   “No.” Luna said.
    “Get out of my way.”
    “Why? So you can make out again?”
    “No. Get out of my way because I don't need you guys in my life anymore.” I told them as I walked past them to my class.
     “My Carry is so awesome,” Chris said behind me. If not for the anger in me I would be blushing.
     I stomped my way to Economics class, my most hated class. I took a seat at the back of the class and that's when all the good memories I had with Luna and Joe and how they just turned on me, came to mind. It made me angry because just one person, one event split us up and it saddened me that they just turned their backs on me. I was there for them, always and look what they do to me.
    Thinking about them brought tears to my eyes which I wiped away quickly. The whole situation got me wondering, what if Chris leaves me too? What if he doesn't come back after the interview? My mind was clouded up with bad imaginations that made me want to cry. So that's what I did, I ran to the bathroom and cried. I cried away the pain, the anger, the what ifs.
     I was just about to wash up and go back to class when I heard one of the voices that makes my blood boil.
     “Well, if ain't the little bitch. Came to cry cos you realized that your really alone?” she asked with mock concern.
    “No, I came to cry so that I could forget all the good and all the bad memories we shared together. I came to cry to forget you. And you know what, I don't care if I have no friends. I have my family and that's enough. Besides, I don't need friends like you.” I told her.
    I expected it to hurt her at least, but nothing. Either it didn't hurt her or she's real good at hiding it but I don't care. I walked out of the bathroom and back to my class. When I got back, the class ended. Was I gone for so long?
     I made my way to my next class, English Literature. I shared it with Luna and I’m glad she didn't show up. I don't hate her, I was taught to never hate. I don't hate her but I dislike her.

Well, that's a wrap. Was it good? Was it bad? Was it in-between? Tell me in the comments.
-Carsyne 😘

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