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       We already had half of Snag’s gang on our side according to Jack. He told us that only five people were on Snag’s side.
      We had just finished our plan when Dylan and I received a message. We both opened it and Mrs. Stats and Jack peered over our shoulders to see.
       “You guys have until tomorrow to surrender yourselves and with every passing hour this pretty girl over here gets hurt starting now.” said some person we didn't know. He then walked over to Cara, he tied the rope around her waist too tight it made her scream. Then he cut her and she screamed again. The video ended.
     I wanted to kill that guy.
     “My baby!” Mrs Stats sobbed.
      “We leave tonight.” Dylan said in a tone that would send shivers down people's spine.
       “I’ll go set everything up.” Jack said and left.
      “Mrs. Stats I need a favour.” I told her. She looked at me with a puzzleing look.
       “What is it?”
        “I need you to watch my little sister while we go get Cara back.” I told her.
       “But what about your parents?”
     “Drunkards and drug addicts.” I said looking away.
      “Um.. sure. I’ll watch her” she said.
          I quickly went home to get Ellie  only to find my parents being arrested.
    “Are you the only child of this couple?” the police man asked. My parents were already in the car and I knew that if I told them about Ellie they would take her away.
      “Yes I am.” I told him. He nodded and left. If he asked me then that means that Ellie is with Kyle.
        I go over to his house and sure enough she was there. I took her back to Cara’s house and left her there. Kyle and I went back to my place to prep up.
        I was slowly loosing consciousness as Joe continually hit me. At this rate I would probably die before tomorrow.
      “Enough! She's already weak enough. Besides they'll be here soon.” their boss whose name I found out to be Snag said.
      When they all left, the guy who kidnapped me came up to me and loosened the rope that had been tightened even more. He also wiped away the blood from the corner of my mouth.
       “You’ll be out soon.” he told me and left.
     I didn't have time to process what he said before I passed out.

      We were already outside the hideout. I didn't really trust Jack bit I hoped he was out to help us.
         He let us in as we received nods from different people.
        The plan was actually to get captured then  kill our way out.
      Not too long and we were brought face to face with the demon himself.
       “Ah! Here at last, I was starting to think you won't show up.” he told us. He was surrounded by five people. Joe and Luna inclusive.
      “You came so unprepared, it's so sad and amusing.” he said with slight smile which was quickly masked away.
     “It’s your choice, join us  without  fuss or don't join us and the girl dies” he told us.
     “We both know that she dies either way.” Dylan spat.
       He laughed.
    “Smart are we. I like to get rid of my members weakness.” he said standing up.
       As soon as that happened we got the signal and we shot. I shot at a random person of the five, Dylan did the same and the war began.
    Truth be told half of Snag’s men were on our side. It was a full shoot out.
      Snag went after Cara and I followed him. Every time I kept getting closer more men stood in my way. I killed them all because all I saw was blood.
       I could hear shooting and screaming from every angle. I was one step closer to where she was when I came face to face with Luna. Ugh, this girl will not be the death of me.
       “Why are you even trying to save her, she's just a waste of time” she told me. I rolled my eyes.
     “If you join us I can convince my uncle to leave you alone” she said walking close to me. I decided to use this against her. I pulled her closer to me. I rubbed her neck and waist and she fell into my touch. This was too easy, all too easy...  I snapped her neck so fast I didn't even notice.
          I opened the door I found.
      “Thanks for killing my niece, she was pain in the neck.” Snag said. He has two people with him. One was Joe and the other was someone else.
       “Joe..” he said. Joe cracked his knuckles and came forward.
      “I don't even know why you are after this girl. She's just a plain nobody who causes pain. Why are we even going through all this for someone whose still going to die!” he said angrily.
   That did it. I punched him square in the face. He was off balance. I took that moment to strike. I jabbed at his left then right. I kicked him in the face then pulled the trigger. He was gone.
       “Don’t” said a small voice.
       “Awe little missy is awake”
       “Harry, do the  honours” he told the guy as he pulled out a gun. Harry also pulled out a gun a pointed it to Cara, she lifted up her head and from what I could see she  was really beaten up.
      Harry was about pull the trigger on her but he raised it to Snag. Snag aimed his gun at Harry.
       “Harry, don't do this. You have potential” Harry didn't change.
         “Oh, well”
     Snag thought that he would pull the trigger first but Harry was way ahead of him. In the end both died.
       I rushed to Cara. I loosened the ropes.
      “I can't feel my legs. I'm slipping.” she said with a very frail voice.
      “No, baby, you’ll be okay.” I said picking her up.
        I called Dylan, he tilde the way was clear.
    I rushed out. I had to get her to the hospital fast. I got in Dylan car and he came in as soon as I did.
      “She’s slipping. Hurry!” I told him. He stepped on the  throttle and we were at the hospital.
      When we got there I nearly dropped. Her pulse, it was almost gone. It was so faint I feared the worst.....

I'm sorry for the lack of action. I don't really know how to write that.

Will Cara be okay?
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-Carsyne 😘

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