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         Today has been a hectic day. Thanks to those goons the whole school knows that Chris and I are together. Not that I mind.
What the heck am I saying, of course I mind!
     Through out the day girls have been glaring at me, some guys were glaring at me for different reasons. I think some were gay while some were jealous, I think?
      Anyway, Chris is here for a French lesson and for the past three minutes Chris has been staring at me.
      “You know, if you want to learn you gotta stop staring at your teacher and stare at your book!” I told him. He just smiled. Great, my stamina just flew out the window.
     “Nah, I’m sure if I stare at you long enough, I’ll learn everything.” he told me while I rolled my eyes trying to hide the the fact that I'm half jelly.
   “C’est impossible,” my brother said walking in.
    “Oui, exactement. Merci mon frère.” I told him smiling as I said so.
    Chris was unhappy because he didn't understand what we were saying.
     “You guys would probably plan killing me right in front of me.” he said in despair while I giggled.
      “Ready to learn?” I asked him. He nodded.

       Today was a record, he spent thirty minutes without complaining. I was just about to commend him when his phone rang. The number was private so I paid no attention to what he said. All of a sudden he hung up them called another person then all he said was,“Get her out of there now!” then he hung up.
      I wanted to ask what was up. I knew not to pry because of what I went through with my brother.
       “So a break?” I asked but I made it a suggestion. He left the dining room and went to my living room. He sat in a couch and looked like someone was about to die. I sat beside him and squeezed him arm. It didn't do anything but I felt a bit at ease that I did something.
        After some minutes, someone burst through my door with Ellie in hand. I was about to scream but Chris took his sister and hugged her tight.
    “Did they hurt you?” he asked Ellie who had tear marks in her face. What the heck happened?
    “No” was her little reply.
    “Thanks Kyle.” Chris said. Kyle just smiled then looked my way.
      “So you are the infamous Cara who has taken my best friend away?” he asked with a little smile.
      At the mention of my name Ellie's head shot up and she ran to me.
    “Can I have a cookie?” she asked with hope in her eyes.
   “Why don't we bake some?”
    “Really?” she asked beaming. I didn't answer. I just carried her to the kitchen and we began to make the cookies.
      After almost an hour, Ellie and I were done with the cookies. As if on cue, Kyle walked in rubbing his hands. He didn't even ask and took one of the cookies of the cooling rack. He wanted to take more but Ellie stopped him.
    “No more for you. I made only one for you. The rest are for Cara and myself” she told him sternly.
    “Chris come work your  bad boy magic on your girlfriend and sister so that they give me the cookies I demand.” he wailed.
    Chris came in and looked at him with an unimpressed gaze then shook his head.
     “There is nothing I can do. Cara won't listen to me and Ellie would bite my head off. Unfortunately there is nothing these delicious abs can do.” he said while raising his shirt up so I see his abs.
      Did he call his abs delicious? I burst out laughing while Ellie was giggling.
       When we stopped our laughing fit I saw Chris smirk. Ellie and I turned to each other and then I screamed, “Run!”
      We started running with both Kyle and Chris chasing us.
      I saw my brother and then I carried Ellie and I over to him.
    “You’ve got to help us. Kyle and Chris and chasing us. They want to tickle us to death!” I exclaimed. My brother raised an eyebrow at us before he nodded. I ran behind him and that's when Chris and Kyle walked in. My brother’s big frame hid Ellie and I. Just as I was about to breath out a sigh, my shield moved and a pair of hands started tickling me.
    “Traitor!” I yelled at my brother as I was laughing. He just smiled.
      When I couldn't take it anymore I started to cry. I knew that at least Chris and or my brother would stop. It worked. The tickling stopped.
     “What’s wrong?” Chris asked worried. I smirked then signalled at Ellie and we began to tickle them.
      We tickled till we could tickle no more.
     This was the most fun I've had for some days now.
     “Tu es mort,” I told my brother and he gulped. We all headed back to the living room and then mom walked in.
   Why is it like I’m in a movie today?
     I didn't give Mom time before I started to fake cry. My acting skills are top notch.
     “Mom, I was tutoring Chris when his friend and sister came. They were around the area and came to check on him. But he, Dylan and his friend turned on and Ellie and I.” I told her and sobbed some more.
     “They chased us round the house and when they caught us, they forced us to make cookies for them.” I lied.
     Ellie understood what I was up to so she also started to face cry. “It’s true ma’am. And after that, they tickled us so much.” she also lied.
    My mom was moved and totally believed us. The boys looked dumbfounded while I stuck out my tongue and Ellie quietly giggled.

      My mom gave all of them punishments. Dylan was on dish duty for a week, Chris had lessons with mom now and Kyle was to come over in the afternoon and help Dylan out.
      Truth be told I was scared the boys would want to kill me but they were actually okay with it. Chris was just sad he won't be able to stare at me while learning French.

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-Carsyne 😘

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