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        Chris has really gotten better at his French thanks to my mom whipping him into shape.
       “I love you so much. I don't want to kill because I know you don't me too.” Chris told me while I laid in his arms in my room.
      “I really don't want you to do that. ” I said and pouted. I got up to face him.
          “Can you promise me something?” I asked still pouting.
       “What?” he asked looking confused.
        “No more killings”
        “I can't really promise that. Unless you don't want to safe.” he told me.
        “Of course I want to be safe. I don't want some gang leader taking me hostage and probably killing me!” I exclaimed slightly. Just then we heard a loud thud. We immediately rushed to where the sound came from only to find my mom on the floor looking shocked out if her mind.
   Did she just hear everything?
      “Mom? Are you okay?” I asked a little bit scared that she heard our conversation.
      “Why?” she asked at the brink of tears. And that's when I knew that she heard everything.
      “You,” she said pointing at Chris,“I want you out of my house now!” my mom yelled.
       Chris and I knew that was not possible because Dylan wasn't home so we did the only thing possible; call Dylan.
      “Hey bro. Yeah um mom kinda found out.” I said rubbing the back of my neck.
      “What!” he screamed.
      “Just get over hear.” I said as I hung up.
      Mom kept glaring daggers at both me and Chris.
       After one hour of dying due to my mom glaring at me, Dylan finally came. Mom got up from her chair and started screaming at everyone.
      “What have you guys been hiding from me!”
      “You are dating a gang member?!”
         We had to sit her down and explain to her everything that happened.
       My mom couldn't say anything. She just kept quiet and shed tears. My heart broke. I didn't want this. I wanted to protect her that's why I didn't want to tell her.
     Chris left. He wanted to give us some alone time. When he left, my mom hugged Dylan and kept apologizing about how she didn't look after him well. Mom was crying her eyes out but she was still mad at me. When she was done with Dylan she almost slapped me as I could see from her body language.
      “Why didn't you tell me? Why did you even date a gang member huh? I thought I trained you better?” Now she was sporting angry tears.
         “I didn't know he was a gang member until a few days ago.” I told her sadly.
       “I didn't tell you because I didn't want you to worry. I wanted to protect you.” I told her with tears in my eyes.
   “Oh,honey!” she said as she hugged me. Dylan joined in on the hug as we all cried together.
    Today is a Friday. TGIF!!!!  
    I was simply walking down the hall to my locker where I knew Chris would be waiting for me when Joe and Luna blocked my way.
    Oh great!
    “Can I help you?” I asked.
    “What’s with the sass?” Luna asked back.
    “I didn't sass you, I simply asked how I could offer my services.” I deadpanned.
    “You could be service by leaving. And I don't mean by changing schools but by leaving town so I never see that cheating face again!” Joe  spat.
    Sheesh, you could have said that nicely.
    “Okay.” I said smiling.
     I then walked over to my locker where Chris was there
    “What took you so long. I’ve been dying of lonliless.” he told me.
    “Oh, you know, talking with my ex- best friends.” I said with a shrug.
    “Kay.” he said as we linked our hands and walked to my house.

      When we got to my door we shared a quick kiss and parted ways. I walked into my house while he want home.

     “But boss, why don't we just take the mom. There's no one protecting her.”
      “We could but she is only connected with Dylan. We need  someone connected to both of them. We need the girl.” my boss told me.
      “Sure boss.” I replied.
      “I want you to watch her and get her when she's all alone and defenseless. You understand that!” he yelled at me. I replied with a nod and ran out of the room.
      Now I had to go spy on the girl. I checked the tracking device that I had someone plant for me.
        According to the tracker she was in a cafe shop. I drove there on high speed. I had to get her fast or my boss would have my head.
      When I got there I checked where exactly she was and to my luck she was in the bathroom. I quickly put some chloroform on a handkerchief. I then broke into the bathroom ever so silently. I was a guy in a girl’s bathroom, I didn't want to get seen. Today was just my luck. She came out after doing her business and before she could let out a scream, I put the handkerchief on her face for her to inhale. I could tell she held her breath but I forced to inhale and she was out within seconds.
       I managed to drag her out of the bathroom and into my car. I drove to our hideout as fast as the speed limit would allow. I didn't want to get caught by the police with an unconscious girl in my car.
       I got to the hideout and my boss was so very angry. He was throwing things all over the place.
      “You guys are all idiots. A little girl is such a had task for you!”
     “What?” he asked and turned to me. When he saw her knocked out in my arms, he smiled with an evil glint in his eyes.

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-Carsyne 😘

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