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   And in walked Dylan. When he saw us his face was so red, you’d think he’d explode.
     “What’s going on here?” he questioned. We both got up and Ellie walked towards us.
     “Kitchen,” he said in a gruff voice leaving no room for arguments.
    We headed to the kitchen leaving Ellie in the living room.
     “What the hell did I just see and why the hell are you in my house?” he asked both of us but the last question was directed at Chris.
     “We had a tickle fight and he fell on me.” I explained to him.
    “And I’m only here to tell her that you don't want me here anymore.” Chris told him.
    “Why don't you want him coming over here anymore?” I asked my brother already getting angry that he was pushing away one of my friends.
    “Because I don't trust him. I don't want him around here as of this minute. Any moment longer and I’ll make sure he ends up in a wheelchair,” Dylan said angrily.
    Chris left immediately and I said goodbye to Ellie.
     “Why did you have to push one of my friends away?” I asked him once they left. I mean, how could he do this.
    “Friend? I don't see him as a worthy friend. He gives me a bad vibe.”
    “But I trust him,” I defended.
    “If this is how you make friends it's no wonder how you ended up with Jack,” he told me.
   Did he just say that? When he realized what he had said, regret immediately swept his features but it was too late, he had already said that. I ran up the stairs to my bedroom.
    How could he say such a thing to me. Tears were dripping down my face when I heard Dylan knock on my door.
       “Ca, I’m sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you,” he said.
       “Just go away. Because I dated a jackass doesn't mean that I would make the same mistake,” I said sobbing.
      “Don’t say a word. Just leave me alone!” I screamed at him through the door. He left.
    Does he think I’m a baby. I was still crying when my phone buzzed. I looked at the caller ID and saw that it was Joe so I picked it up. I made sure my voice wasn't croaky before I answered the phone.
     “Hey Joe. Anything up?” I asked as casually as possible.
     “Just wanted to make sure you hadn't forgotten our date for Saturday night which is tomorrow.” he said.
  Oh yeah, I had totally forgotten.
      “Uh, yeah. When will you be picking me up?” I asked.
      “By eight,” he said.
      “Okay, bye.” I said and hung up.
    Ugh. Now wasn't the time for thinking about my date. Maybe I should talk to Chris, maybe he can make me feel better. If I call Luna she would just get upset.
     I decided to text him.
ME: Hey, sorry about my brother.
CHRIS: No problem. So why’d you text me?
ME: I want to know more about you. I may call you my friend but I don't know really know so much about you.
CHRIS: Okay. I'm a boy, I’m seventeen. I go to your school and I like basketball.
ME: 😂. Not those kind of things. Okay um.. what's your favorite colour?
CHRIS: Black.
ME: Okay, best food?
CHRIS: Don't have. Okay let me ask you a question. What will your brother think of you texting me?
ME: I don't care what he says, your my friend and he can't push you away from me.
CHRIS: So rebellious. I like you Frenchie. See you tomorrow. Dream of me😘.
ME: 🙄 You wish.

      After that I switched off my phone and laughed silently. See, I knew he would make me feel better. No matter what anyone says, they will not push him away from him.


   Today passed by so quickly that I didn't even know when Luna had started preparing me for my date. Today's rehearsal lasted for three hours since the final show is tomorrow. I'm so excited.
    “Done!” Luna said bringing me out of my thoughts.
    “Joe is gonna love you!” she squealed.
   I looked at myself and I did look fabulous.
    Luna and I caught up on a lot of things. I found out that she was actually nervous about the showcase.
    Before we knew it Joe had arrived.
     “Knock him dead,” Luna told me as I walked out the door causing me to roll my eyes.

       “You look nice,” Joe complimented me.
      “Oh,thanks,” I replied.
     He drove down to the new reasturant downtown. We walked in and was welcomed by silence.
     “So....,” I said trying to make conversation. The dinner was so awkward. We couldn't even find common ground. I almost fell asleep.

      When I got home I collapsed on my bed.  The date was so boring. Luna had already left.
     I had just changed into my PJs when my phone buzzed.
CHRIS: Did you dream of me?
ME: Nope.
CHRIS: I don't believe you.
ME: Whatever
CHRIS: So how are you feeling about the showcase tomorrow?
ME: Excited!
CHRIS:Well I’m nervous.
ME: Don't be. Meet me before the show and I’ll give you tips on how to get over the nervousness.
CHRIS: Kay, thanks.
ME: No problem. Dream of me. Good night 😘.

     As soon as I put my phone away, Dylan knocked on my door.
  “Cara I’m sorry. Please let me in.” he begged. Did I mention I haven't spoken to him since yesterday. I opened the door.
    “Cara, I’m sorry. I was just angry.” he told me.
    “But that still didn’t give you the right to say those things to me,” I told him.
    “I know and I’m sorry, can you please forgive me?” he asked. I was about to tell him that I forgive him but then an idea popped into my head. He may not let me see Chris but he could let me talk to him.
   “I’ll forgive you as long as let me talk to Chris. Over the phone,” I added. He looked at me like he seemed to be calculating something.
     “You can discuss with him over the phone. But he is not coming over here. I’ll teach him French,” he said with a note of finality.
    “I can deal with that. You are forgiven.” I said and hugged him.

I know you guys knew they would end up together. But do let me know if the way they got together is logical. Pls tell me. You could comment or message me directly.
Pls vote and comment.
-Carsyne 😘

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