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       Today is Monday, the day after Luna declared me not her friend. I’ve been hurting ever since. I tried calling both Chris and my brother but both of them didn't answer my calls.
       When I got to school I was expecting something terrible to befall me when I opened my locker, but nothing.
        The day proceeded just fine until drama class. Considering that I share it with Luna I was very anxious. When I walked in I received glares from Luna. I felt awkward under her gaze. Chris wasn't even in class, where is he?
     “Class I’m very proud of all you. You all did really well. Good job!” he congratulated us.
    The class went on with a lot of glares coming from Luna.
      In History, a class I share with Joe. We sat side by side and I decided to tell him. I didn't even know what to expect. I thought he would understand but he blew a silent fit. He accused me of cheating on him and that's why the date was awkward. He also got mad at me. He didn't break up with me though, but the accusation hurt me so much and my brother and Chris aren’t here to console me.
       All my other classes were boring and I wasn't mentally in any of them. Lunch came around and I only went because I was hungry. I searched the cafeteria for an empty table and lucky for me, I found one. As I was heading there I heard Luna say; “That’s right you slut, go hang out with the rest of your of slutty friends!”
      It hurt. Their words hurt. I left the cafeteria crying. There was no one to talk to.
       I came out of the bathroom to be met with an annoyed Luna.
    “How does it feel for one of the people you trust to turn on you in the worst possible way? ” she asked.
     “It hurts. The fact that you don't believe I tried hurts,” I told her truthfully. Her nose started flaring she was shaking. She lifted her hand and she slapped me. My face turned on impact. It was so hard, I held my cheek close. My eyes turned glassy. How could she, what had I done wrong, was being a friend so wrong.
     “You are such a liar! Why do you keep pretending to care? Joe told me. You cheated on him with Chris and here you are claiming you tried to get him to out with me?” she ended with a scoff.
      “I didn't cheat! I only became friends with him. How could you think so low of me. What did I ever do to make you think so low of me?” I asked her.
     “You have no idea!” she said and walked away.
      What does she mean? I never did anything to her. I don't understand, all I did was become friends with Chris.

    I dragged myself to my room after pretending to mom that I was okay.
    How did my life end up this way? While I was still lamenting on my life, my phone rang. I don't want to talk to anyone but I found myself answering.
   “Hello, Cara the girl with a horrible life speaking,” I said.
     “What happened Frenchie?” Chris asked with a worried tone.
     “You happened,” I said sadly.
     “What? What do you mean?” he asked genuinely confused.
    “The last time you called and talked to Luna, she got mad and un-frirnded me. I told Joe about it and he accused me of cheating. I'm not blaming you for anything. I just, I just don't know what I did wrong.” I told him.
   “ You didn't do anything wrong. You did try to get me to go out with her, but I didn't cave. True friends would understand. You did tell her you tried right?” he asked.
         “Of course I did. She didn't believe me. She called me a liar.” I said sadly recalling the slap.
      “Don’t work yourself up. She should understand and trust you if she actually takes you as a friend.” he told me.
      “You’re right. Thanks. Chris, why weren't you at school today?” I  asked.
       “I just couldn't. I-I  I just couldn't.” he tried to explain.
       “Oh, it's okay,” I told him not wanting any stress.
      “I gotta go. I’ll talk to you later.” he said and hung up.
         Now he's gone, I don't know when next I’m gonna talk to him. Why exactly couldn't he have come to school today. It's just so confusing. I sobbed into my pillow.
     I did my homework and sobbed some more  feeling the headache coming but I didn't care, I just let out all my emotions, my sadness, my anger, everything. I let it all out and fell asleep with tears in my eyes.

       Tuesday, I woke up with my eye lids heavy. I walked up to my mirror and  saw that my eyes were red and my eyelids looked wrinkled. My face was red and puffing, my head throbbing.
     I brushed my teeth and hair. I wore a simple gown. I wasn't in the mood for anything.
      School was the same. I just zoned out most of the day. I just wanted to go home and sleep.
      I was walking through the hallways when I overheard some students talking about some party at Zappos street tonight. I didn't think much of it.
      In English class, my plan was simple; sit away from Luna and next to some random person. I was lucky enough to get an empty seat beside no one. Everything was going smooth until Chris walked in. I'm glad he's here but not so glad because Luna is glaring daggers at me. I don't need to tell you why.
         I just slammed my head down on the desk, why can't I have a fairy tale life.
      When the class finally ended Chris tried talking to me, but I saw Luna glaring at me. I turned around to avoid getting hurt by her words only for me to turn around to meet a disappointed Joe.
      What had I done. I hadn't even talked to him.
      Chris must have seen their faces and then looked at my face and saw the fear or worry or was it sadness. Whatever it was, it made him frown a bit. What had I done? I left the place and went to the field. Some fresh air would do me good.
      “What happened?” Chris asked.
       “What did I do? I didn't do anything and you guys looks were for the kill. Why’d you frown at me?” I asked him as I turned around to face him.
      “Oh, I’m sorry Frenchie. I didn't mean to make you sad. It's just, you don't need to be sad by their looks, that's why I frowned.” he explained.
        “But what did I do wrong?” I asked as I hugged him and sobbed into his shirt or chest or whatever.
        “Nothing, you did nothing Carry.” he soothed me.

      Now that party idea doesn't seem so bad.

Can anyone describe Cara’s emotions cos I don't know what to call it. Anyway, comment & vote.
-Carsyne 😘

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