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       The class slowly filled up and my anxiety came down.
      Honestly, I didn't know why Chris did what he did but I was more than grateful.
      Before the bell could ring to signal the end of class, I was out  the door. There was no way I was going to let Jack have a hold on me.
        On my way to third period, I noticed a crowd in the hallway. Confused, I went to see what had caused the crowd. After pushing my way to the front, my heart stopped. Joe and Jack were fighting.
     Highschool fights were normal but fighting brought back memories, memories I didn't want to remember.
       I must have spaced out because the next thing I heard was Luna breaking up the fight. Everyone was pissed at her but Jack took it as his opportunity to run, well crawl away while Joe realized that I was there. His features held apologies but I ran, I ran away and in the process bumped into someone.

        “Sorry,” I mumbled and made my way to the bathroom.
     When I entered an empty stall, I let the tears flow freely as memories of my dad and Dylan suffocated me.
       I remembered every single time dad tried to hurt me and every single time Dylan saved me.
     I held my sobs back the minute I heard someone enter the bathroom.
       “Oh my gosh! Did you see Joe in the hallway today? He was do hot!”

    That was definitely Linda, the head cheerleader that seemed to have a crush on Joe and every other hot guy she set her eyes on.


    I’m guessing she came with one of her minions so they could touch up on their make-up. They left after a while and I took it as my cue to clean myself up.
     I splashed water on my face and looked at myself in the mirror. I smiled a little and made my way out.

       Joe had been trying to apologize since I came out again. At first, I just didn't want to hear it but I forgave him because it wasn't his fault, it was Jack’s!

      I was on my way to lunch when I got pulled into the janitor’s closet.
     What the heck?

    “Hey,” Chris said with a teasing smile.
      “Why did you pull me in here?”
       “Was the fight the reason why you were crying?”
     Did I bump into him on my way to the bathroom? Was I already in tears?
      “Yes.” I admitted.
    There was silence before he started to laugh. It hurt, he didn't understand why I was like that and he just laughed at me.
     I walked out immediately unable to handle being a joke to him.

    Cara had just walked out and I felt bad for what I just did.
     I was going to help her because I knew that whatever relationship she had with that guy wasn't going to end well.

      Yes, I am a bad boy but I know that girls are human beings too.

    I came out of the janitor’s closet and headed to my locker. On my locker was some girl’s number and address.
   I think it's Lisa's or whatever her name is. She invited me to her party.

     Were girls here this desperate?

        Even at that I still decided to go to the party. It wouldn't hurt to loosen up.
     That party was in full swing when I got there. No surprise here.
    I walked into the house and was filled up with the loud music.
     Dance wasn't appealing to me yet, so I went to the kitchen to get a drink but was surprised to see someone there looking totally out of place.

    “What are you doing here?” I asked her making her jump. When she realised who was talking she scowled at me.
      “What’s it to you?”
       “I’m sorry for the way I acted earlier today but honestly, what are you doing at a party?” I apologized and asked.
       “I came with my friends. They told me to wait here and they would be back but I can't help but feel like Jack is going to come out of nowhere and just....” she said worriedly.
      “Calm down. I’m sure your friends will be here soon but what if I told you that I knew a way to help you get rid of Jack?” I said.
    Why did I say that? I have no idea how to do that.

    Her eyes widened in surprise. She was about to ask me a question when her guy friend showed up.
    He looked at me like I was dirt but that didn't bug me.
      “What do you want?” he asked me.
    I put my hands up in surrender and walked away.

     Not too long after, he left Cara alone again and I frowned at that but that was when I noticed Jack, he was looking around for someone and when he found the person he went in their direction.
      Realising that person was Cara, I got up and stopped him mid way.

      “Hey Jack can I talk to you?” I said as I clamped an arm on his shoulder.
      He looked scared and Cara looked the same when she noticed us.
      All of a sudden, Joe appeared out of nowhere and joined me in pulling Jack away from Cara under the guise of a conversation.

    This should be fun.


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-Carsyne 😘

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