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             PIC OF CHRIS

I was stuck thinking about his idea that I  forgot I was on the phone until
  “ Hey, you still there?”
  “ Uh, yeah. Um how exactly are you going to do that?”
  “ I’ll show you that at our next teaching session,” he hung up.
   Well that was interesting.
    School was interesting today since I had no encounter with Jack and all my classes for today weren't boring. In the cafeteria, Luna, Joe and I were having lunch when the head cheerleader and her two minions strolled into the cafeteria and walked over to Chris. They were discussing something, I didn't pay much attention to it but then the cheerleaders got up and left angrily, guess she wanted to get Chris on the football team. She tried it with Joe but it didn't work. I was so distracted remembering what happened that I didn't know when Chris walked up to our table, it wasn't until I heard, “Frenchie!!” Joe was looking at me with the ‘ what's he talking about’ look.“Can I help you with something?” was my reply. Joe was just looking at him, but with a look I couldn't name. Luna was practically drooling
“I need you to help me get out of detention,” Chris said. I raised an eyebrow and he left.
   After lunch, Joe kept warning me about Chris and that I should stay away from him. He was acting like a Jealous boyfriend, I laughed at this in my head.
     The final bell rang and I jumped with joy. I was almost out of  school when I saw Chris leave detention, I decided to follow him. He went to the basketball court, turns out he wanted to try out. I was about to leave when I saw Luna in the bleachers, I went to sit beside her, “So it wasn't only me who followed him,” she almost jumped.“ Just so you know, I only wanted to know why he left detention,” and I left. I only said that cause Luna might think I like him which I don't.
     AT HOME
  When I got home, I met mom making pancakes.
   “Hey mom,” I said. She smiled,“How was school?” she asked while flipping a pancake. I replied with the usual ‘fine’ and left to do my homework. About thirty minutes later someone rung the doorbell and I went to answer it, it was Chris, obviously here for the lesson. I let him in and introduced him to my mom since she was in the dining room knitting. She gave me a look and went to her room. We got straight to work and as expected after five minutes, he was complaining, “French is hard. I don't know how you do it Frenchie,” I sighed,“ Ok fine let's take a break,”

“Great, now I can teach you how to fight back,” he said beaming. I let out another sigh
“So how do we do this?” I asked
“ How would you react if someone dumped all their food on you just for the fun of it?” he asked with his arms crossed. Oh, now I see, he wants to teach me how to fight back with words. I tried to think of what I would do in that situation and this is what I came up with: “I’d just walk away and go clean myself up,”
He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose,“This is why Jack pushes you around, because he knows you won't do anything,” he said. I hate to admit it but he was right, “So what do I need to do?” I asked. He smirked then said,“In the senerio I just created, I think you should  dump your food on the person and say,‘ Your welcome, now you can change out of those hideous clothes, and thanks, you just gave me the push I need to change my hair style,’,” he finished, I just looked at him month agape. That seems harsh
“No, it isn't harsh” he said answering my unasked question. He was about to say something when his phone rang, when he saw the caller ID he turned to me and said,“ I gotta go but remember, don't let people walk all over you,” he packed up his stuff and left. Not to long after, my mom came out of her room, “I don't think you should be friends with someone like him. He seems just like Jack,” my mom said. I stayed silent. I know she's worried but surprisingly, I trust Chris, “Be careful okay. And from now on, whenever he is coming, let Joe be here okay,” she sweetly but in a way that left no room for discussion. I simply nodded.

   I received a call from  my boss telling me to meet him at the warehouse. I got there in less than five minutes because it's not a good idea to meet the boss late and by late I mean, after five minutes.
“I got your call boss, what I am to do,” I asked Eric my boss. He is the leader of our underground gang
“I need you to prepare for the upcoming tournament,” he replied
“But boss, I thought Lance was going to do it?” I asked
“He was, but something came up and now you have to do it,” was what he said in a tone that left no room for argument
“Yes boss,” I replied and he dismissed me. You see there are a lot of gangs and every year there is a tournament to know which gang is the strongest.
      When I left the warehouse I headed straight for the gym since I was in due need of a work out. I got to the gym and I met my friend and gang mate, Kyle. I told about the change of plans and he was shocked,“I don't think that's a good idea, I mean come on it’s been ages since you last fought,” he said
“That why I’m here, to work out and get ready for the fight,”was all I said before I got up and started to lift weights. All the time I was thinking of how I was going to get fit enough for the fight.

So here it is guys, chapter 6. So how many of you saw Chris being in a gang coming?
Anyway, guys there were no comments concerning the special POV I talked about in the last chapter. I would really appreciate it if you could send me your thoughts concerning it.
Love you all. Keep voting and commenting, they bring in more chapters
- Carsyne

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