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  Today is the day of the contest and I’m feeling all sorts of things. Chris left yesterday and I hope he achieves what he wants. I am actually getting a bit nervous. I mean, I’m going up against other people who have done this for years. What if my poem doesn't meet up? And last but not least, I have no supporter. I'm dying here.
     In the middle of my ranting Mr.  Fredrick came up to me. “It’s gonna be fine. Just have fun okay”
      Those words were so encouraging. If only Chris had said them.
    Soon it was finally my turn. I went out there and took a big breath. I stared at the large crowd looking at me. Good thing I took public speaking classes in sophomore year.
    “My poem is titled HOW AM I UNIQUE?
People often say; we are all the same
Whether male or female or amophrodite
Doesn't matter your name
But I don't think that's right.

We were all made differently
although in the same likeness
We don't all have the same destiny
just the same fondness.

I'm unique, because I'm me,
I don't let others make me
I choose to be me and don't care what others think.
People may follow a crowd, but not me.
I make my own choices, I don't let others decide for me.
I don't let their words affect me.
I’m unique because I'm different.

     I finished and I left the stage. Other people went on stage. I was starting to get anxious as the judges started to call out the scores and positions of each of the contestants. I got a call;
    “Hey Carry, how are things going?” Chris asked.
     “It’s going swell actually. How are things with you?” I asked back
      “It’s going great!” he said with a hint of pain.
      “I- ,” they called name. “I gotta go. I’ll call you back.” I said and I hung up.

       I walked onto  the  stage shaking a bit. The judges looked at me with a lot of scrutiny.
    “Cara Stats, you have a hundred and twenty points which puts you second place.” the main judge said. The crowd erupted with cheers as my eyes widened. Me, I got second place.

       I was given my prize and then I went backstage. I met Mr Fredrick who was all smiles.
     “Congratulations Cara, you did well and I'm so proud of you.” he told me.
     “Thank you sir.” was my reply.
     I tried calling Chris but he didn't answer. Maybe he was taking his exams I’ll try to call him later.
      “Congratulations honey I'm so proud of you” my mom said when I told her the news.
       “Mom, what about  Dylan?” I asked wondering why Dylan wasn't here smothering me.

        Today is another day, another sad and lonely day. When I got up from my bed, the first thing I did was call Chris but his  number was unreachable. Maybe he'll be available later.
     When I got to school I was shocked at the attention I received. Everyone was applauding me and congratulating me. Apart from that they kept saying how good of a job I did.
     By the top I got to the end of the hall I was met with Luna and Joe. Like seriously, not now. I wasn't ready to deal with their badmouthing.
     I was bracing myself for whatever they were going to say but nothing came. All they did was glare at me. I was really glad that that was all they did.
     The day went on a problem but they was a lot of ‘hey’s and ‘good job’. Everything was going just fine until Geography class. I was just minding my own business, looking at the globe trying to find the latitude of ... --great now I don't remember what latitude I was finding-- anyway, Gloria, one of Linda's minions who was a part of the poetry contest, came up to my desk and knocked my map, pen, paper and all my other materials of my table. Okay, so I got second place, that doesn't mean that you should make my life stressful! And worst of all, she didn't even help me pick up anything!
      When o finally got myself organized again she kept glaring at the back of my head. At the end of class when I finally I finally thought that I could get away, I was rammed into a locker. Like seriously!
      Gloria in her smirking glory *cough* came in front of me and glared at me. “You good for nothing twerp.Why did you have to come in the way of my spotlight. I could have won if you hadn't  given that poem about you uniqueness.” she raged. Ugh, Linda's minions and spotlight, sheesh.
     “Now they are going to teach you not to get in the way of my spotlight.” she told me while making gestures at the two jocks behind her.
    Oh great, I’m going to get the punching of my life. I really wish Chris thought me self defense skills.
        I got a lot later than usual because the jocks decided to do Gloria a favour by giving me another dose of punches. Like what the butt!
     “Cara, is that you?” mom asked when I entered.
     “Yeah mom.” was my reply. She gave me a hug but gasped when she saw my face.
     “What happened ?” she asked horrified.
      “Well...” I said as I began to narrate my day's event.

       “Why didn't you report this to the principal?” mom queried me.
Huh why didn't I think of that.
     “Well you should have!” she shouted. Shoot I said that out loud.
    “Mom why don't you do it? If I do it, they may just beat me up again.” I explained while giving her the puppy dog eyes. She sighed.
     “Alright, but just get better okay?” she told me as she hugged me again.

Hey guys sorry for not updating in a while. I had exams but here's another lovely chapter.
-Carsyne 😘



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