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     Cara had gone to the bathroom for too long. At first I didn't want her to go but she threatened me with the hospital payment if her bladder bust. Now I'm abosultely worried.
     I was thinking of how to get her out of there when I received a message from an unknown number. It couldn't be.
   You know what to do to get her back.
      My blood boiled. He got her. How the f**k did he get her? I stormed out of the cafe. The plan was simple; tell Dylan everything and let him make the plan.

       “What do you mean he got her?” Dylan asked in a rage.
    “She went to the bathroom.” I told him.
     “And you didn't stop her?!”
     “Her bladder was on the verge of bursting!”.
      “You both are idiots! Stop shouting at each other and find a way to get Cara back!” Mrs.  Stats yelled.
      Just then the door bell rang. Mrs. Stats when to open the door and punch whoever was there.
      “What the hell are you doing here?” she asked the individual.
   “I’m here to help.”
    “Help my foot! Get out of here Jack.” she told him.
     “Please. See it as my apology. Besides I hate my boss.” he told her. She let him in but was still glaring daggers at him.
     “What do you mean you hate your boss?” Dylan asked.
     “Snag is the worst.”
      “Why should we trust you?” I asked.
      “I know you don't trust me. But I was forced to do all those things. Luna is my boss’ niece. The gang is paying for my mom's treatment. Luna threatened to cut her life support if I didn't do what she asked. And besides I'm the best thing you’ve got.” he told us.
     We all looked at each other and nodded. He then layed down the map of their hideout he had in his pocket.

      I woke up a bit dizzy. I found myself in a dark room and I was tied to a chair.
      “She’s finally awake.” said a very deep voice.
      “Well my dear you are of very good use to me, consider this your lucky day.” the voice said as he came out and disappeared into the darkness.
        When I thought that I was alone, a voice which I had come to despise and would never had suspected would be here, came to hearing.
     “Who would have thought that Cara the nobody would become a beneficial tool?” Luna asked. I was shocked, dumbfounded, flabbergasted.
      “You?” I managed to ask.
      “You know, you wouldn't be going through this if you had stayed away from Chris.” she told me.
      “Everything was going to plan, you just had to ruin it by letting him teach you stuff.” she said with disgust.
      “Plan?” I asked very confused.
   “I only became friends with you because I thought you would be of use to me. Every single thing was perfect except for the fact that every single guy that caught my eye had eyes for you! When Jack came around I made sure that he would be stuck with you but he had to leave.
         “When Chris came around, I got Jack back here to make sure I had a chance but unfortunately Chris helped you shut him up.” she explained with every word soaked in anger.
     “How are you  able to control what Jack does?” I asked. Everything was so confusing.
     “Jack is a member of this gang. My uncle is the leader so I can make them do anything I want.” she said with a sly smile.
      “Do you know how impossible you are? I had to use your crush on Joe against you but that still didn't work. Do you know how hard it was to convince Joe to do that? His boyfriend left him. He wanted to kill you but his happy that you will  be killed soon.” she raged.
     I gulped which made her smirk. She left me to my thoughts. So Jack never wanted to hurt me. Luna wanted to hurt me. Part of life has been a lie. I really hope Chris would get me out of here soon.
     “It’s show time!” an unknown individual said to me. He came up to me and set up a video camera. He put it on record and came up to me.
    “You guys have until tomorrow to surrender yourselves. And with every passing hour this pretty girl over here is going to get hurt starting now.” he said as he walked over to me with an evil glint in his eye.
      First he tied the rope around my waist way to tight that I let out a very loud scream of pain. Next he took out a knife and cut my arm, I screamed again. He cut me some more and I let out more screams.
     “Till tomorrow. ” he said to the camera and stopped the recording. He then did some weird things with a computer and sent the video to them. He showed me and left. I cried silently, I didn't want them to come in here and hit me for ruining their peace.
       Just when I thy that I could have some peace to recover a little, someone came in, it was Joe and with the look in his eye I was in for beating on a personal level.
      “Do you have any idea what you have put me through?” he questioned and slapped me. It sent me flying.
       “You could have told me that you didn't reciprocate my feelings, I would have left it.” I said in a very quiet voice.
      He turned my head to face him.
     “Life isn't that simple. I would love to hit you more. To take out my anger and pain on you but that isn't my decision to make.” he said and left.
      I felt something inside me slip. Joe hated me, Luna hated me and I was going to die. I was pretty sure that even if Chris and Dylan did join these psychos, their leader would still kill me. My only hope was that Chris and Dylan won't take the bait.

I hate to admit this but, this book has four or three chapters to go. This has been an awesome journey with you guys ❤️ I just can't believe it's coming to an end.
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-Carsyne 😘

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