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     “Nothing, you did nothing Carry,” he soothed me while patting my head.
     “All I did was be your friend. I had no intention of dating you. I have or at least I think I do, have a boyfriend. Why would I want to be with you? I didn't do anything.” I sobbed some more.
      “Life isn't perfect,” he told me.
     He was right about that. I pulled away from his embrace and decided to ask one of the questions that were bugging me.
     “Why exactly are you going out of town?”
      “I didn't want to tell you but, I wanna go into the military. The examination to get into one of the academies is this weekend and it's out of town.” he told me sheepishly.
       “Why wouldn't you tell me? I would have wished you good luck,” I told trying to act annoyed.
     The bell rang and we departed. I didn't have anymore classes with Luna and I was thankful for that. I'm so happy for Chris. He’ll be able to get something  achieved in his life, well at least the first step.

      On my way home, I accidentally bummed into someone because my mind was elsewhere; “Oh, I’m so sorry,” I apologized to the person.
     “No worries,” the person said with a voice that I recognize all too well: Jack.
      I didn't bother talking to him and continued my journey home.
    I walked in to the sound of laughter. I followed the sound to the dining room where Dylan and mom were going over some of Dylan and I’s pictures from when we were younger.
       “What’s so funny?” I asked the duo in front of me.
       “This,” mom said as she showed me a picture of two year old me. In the picture I had an empty tub of ice cream on my head and I was wearing my mom's heels, two different shoes actually but heels. And to top it all off I was in my diaper and my face was covered in ice cream.
       I didn't know when I also burst out laughing. What was I thinking when I decided to wear all this?
        We continued looking through the photos until Dylan got a call and had to leave and mom also had to leave for work. I was the only one at home. It wasn't so bad, at least I don't have to tell anyone that I’m going to a party.
    I had a lot of time on my hands so I did my homework and eat all the junk food I could find and before I knew it, it was eight in the evening.
     I got ready and that took a whole hour. I left the house by nine thirty and got to Zappos street by ten. The only thing left to do was to find the party. It wasn't so hard because as soon as I got to the street I could hear music so I just followed it.
       When I got there I was surprised to see no one outside either puking, smoking, drinking or making out. What I saw on the inside on the other hand was highly expected; sweaty bodies, people making out, people dancing and people drinking. Nothing out of the ordinary. I headed to the kitchen to get a drink, I want to drink away all the pain I feel right now.
      I took a beer from the fridge and took a big gulp, it burned my throat a bit but it was okay. I drank some more and I started to feel good. I stared to wonder back to the time I talked to Chris at a party. We had come a long way from there. He’s presently my only friend. Our deal brought about our friendship which I am so happy for.
      I took another swig of the beer and thought some more. Chris makes me happy, he makes me laugh. He makes feel okay. I went out of the kitchen to the living room with a bottle of beer in hand. I walked some more and saw Chris with some bimbo in his laps. It was then it struck me. I have been so blind and foolish, did it take a bimbo to know I liked Chris.
        I took another swig and walked up to them. I was already drunk and drunk me had a mind of her own. When I got there, I pushed the bimbo out of his lap and took a seat there.
     Drunk me, stop this!
    Chris looked at me like I had killed someone.
     “Are you okay?” he asked clearly sober.
      “Of course  I am.” I slurred.
     “Then why’d you push her off?” he asked.
     “Cos,she was in my seat,”
     Did I really just say that?!
    “Your seat?” he asked raising an eyebrow. I just nodded and moved closer to him if that's possible.
      “I like like you,” I blurted out. Shoot, drunk me is crossing the line.
     “But you have a boyfriend,” he retorted.
     “A boyfriend who doesn't love me. I like you Chris. It just took some beer and a bimbo to know it.” I told him as I looked into his eyes. I then started at his lips. I didn't know when I leaned in and kissed him. It took him just a few seconds to melt into the kiss.
      I kissed him with so much affection, love and passion. His hands slid to my waist to hold me steady while my hands found their way to his neck. After dropping the bottle of beer of course.
      Gosh, I’ve never been kissed like this before.
       We pulled apart, both of us panting.
      “You like me too?” I asked the very obvious question.
       “For a while Carry, for a while.” he said as he rested his head by the crook of my neck.
      “Is that my new nickname?” I asked whilst giggling.
       “You like it?”
        “Yeah,” I giggled again.
        “You do know you cheated right? Like having an affair?” he asked. I hadn't thought of that though.
        “I don't care. Being with you is better than being friends with a faker and it's way better than being with a guy who doesn't care about me.” I told him seriously but ended up pouting. He chuckled.
     I hope I don't regret this.

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-Carsyne 😘

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