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Hey guys .....hope you all are well and good... Thanks for reading....


All of them were tensed to know if Mathew will let Elara go . Kale and Nathan were more anxious than  Elara.

Will was standing outside ,calling  Mathew on his phone.

"Hey Will ,wassup. " Mathew said picking the phone.

"Matt  Kale and Elara bagged the first prize in the exhibition." Will said.

"Oh that's a good news. Is should tell Tessa. " Mathew said.

"Hmm wait.... There's more.... You see  Mr. Fitzherbert's son helped them with the project . His name is Nathan....he is an astronomer. And he wanted to take the kids to the observatory at night. So , he wanted to ask your permission too... What do you think??" Will asked .

"I'm fine with it. " Mathew said.

"What are you talking about"  Will heard Tessa on the other side.

"Oh Elara won the exhibition . Their teachers son helped them and now he wanted to take them to the observatory." Mathew explained to Tessa.

" Tell them that Elara is not going. " Tessa said.

"Why hon... Let her go.." Mathew tried to convince her.

" See  Matty that girl doesn't study at all... She has to study now.. " Tessa said.

"Matt give the phone to your wife." Will said Mathew who was still  on the phone.

Mathew gave the phone to Tessa.

" Yes Will. What is it?"

"Tessa, please let Elara go. Why are you doing this to her. "

"I've told  not to interfere in our family."

"Yeah whatever.... Mathew has already given the permission and Elara is going. " Will  said.

He switched his phone off and went inside.

"Get ready Elara...go through to your room from  Kale's. Don't make any sound and don't  let your mother see you. Go. Kale go with her." Will told Elara.

"She told no?" Elara asked.

"Your father told yes and we'll go with that. Okay. Don't worry I'll take the responsibility, if you want to go then you are going . No matter what your mother says. I know that it is not right to go against your parents....but when parents behave like kids it is just fine to step out sometimes. Now go quick." Will said

"How is she going to her house then? Will she make it an issue Mr. Jones."
Nathan asked .

"Don't worry kid. We'll take care about that... She can go through their secret passage... We use it in times of emergencies like this. "

"Oh can I see that ? "Nathan asked.

"Oh yeah go with them then."Will said.

" Nathan be careful and quiet." Kale said.

Nathan nodded. They passed the bridge and looked into Elara's room. The coast was clear. They opened the door and went inside.

"Wow that was.... an adventure. " Nathan whispered. Kale smiled.

"Yeah now Ella take your clothes. We can change at our place..." Kale said.

Ella went to her closet and took a dress and her pjs and grabbed a few comics from her nightstand.

"Why so many things?" Nathan asked.

"I don't think she'll let me in today.. I have to spend my night at Kale's and I can't sleep without reading" Elara shrugged. "Come on let's go.."

They quickly got out of the room and closed the window. They went back to Kale's room and Elara went to change.

"Well that is so beautiful. I guess it was your dad's idea..." Nathan said to Kale who now searching for  clothes in his closest.

"Well the bridge was dad's idea. But the idea of going to each other's place through the tree was her idea. This tree is her saviour every time she gets grounded and that happens almost daily." Kale shrugged.

"But why does her parents do that?"
Nathan asked .

"Well I can understand Dolores Umbridge's intentions better than  Aunt Tessa's. " Kale  shook his head in disappointment.

Nathan Chuckled.

Just then  Elara came in wearing a baby pink casual sundress.

Just then  Elara came in wearing a baby pink casual sundress

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"Hey guys I'm ready to go."

"I've told you not to wear this colour Ella..." Kale stomped his foot like a baby.

"Yeah you've told me not to because you think I look a fairy with blonde hair and blue eyes and you can't stand it when others stare at me." Ella said .

"Exactly." Kale said.

Nathan started laughing.
"Don't worry Kale... Nobody's gonna stare at your Elara... There'll be nobody there .. it'll be just us or..maybe some old scientists who is there for research... Their eyes can focus only on planets and their research paper.."

"Thanks Nathan.. I don't know why this guy gets paranoid every time I wear baby pink." Elara scoffed.

"But don't you think red looks good on her ??? " Kale asked Nathan with shining eyes.

" My man,if you don't want people to stare at her ,it is better if she  wears light decent colours. Red definitely is not a colour like that..." Nathan said.

"See told ya," Elara said crossing her arms across her chest with a victorious smile.

"Well if you say so..." Kale shrugged. "Now if you want to see me change you can stay and watch." Kale said to both Nathan and Elara.

"Ewww gross" Elara said scrunching her face."I'm out of here."

"Hormonal teenagers" Nathan said with a chuckle and left the room.


Yay... That's it for this update guys...

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