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"Hey... You guys reached before us?" Kale asked surprised.

"Ha... Girl power .." Elara and Sarah giggled together. They were setting up the picnic mats, plates and glasses.

Kale and Nathan joined them.

They ate the pizzas and talked endlessly. The sun began to set. The fairy lights glowed up. Kale nudged Nathan. Nathan looked at Kale and Elara and  straightened his tie.

He cleared his throat. " Ahem... umm... Sarah I have to tell you something."
Nathan stood up.

"Yeah go on..." Sarah smiled.

"Um... um... I... um..." Nathan stammered.

Kale kicked Nathan on one leg and Nathan was now kneeling on the ground.

Kale and Elara started cheering for Nathan...
Nathan gathered all the courage that he could acquire. He cleared his throat once again and held Sarah's hands in his.

" Sarah, I don't know what to say. To be honest, I had a whole speech planned for you but at this moment, my mind is all blank." Nathan sighed. Kale, Elara and Sarah were listening intently.
" You came in my life when I  was a complete mess. You were always with me when I needed a shoulder to lean on. .... You've seen me in the worst days of my life , Yet you decided to stay with me... You made me the happiest man on Earth.There are many ways to be happy in this life, but all I really need is you. I know you're the only one I want to share the rest of my life with. I can't imagine growing old with anyone else, nor do I want to." Nathan left Sarah's hand and pulled out a box from his pocket.

"Will you be mine???" Nathan said looking at Sarah. Sarah smiled at him.

" You know me better than anybody else. Why were you so nervous then??" Sarah asked crossing her arms across her chest.

"Umm... I am not nervous" Nathan said wiping sweat from his forehead.

Sarah laughed and sat on Nathan's propped up leg.

" My man you are not allowed to lie to a psychiatrist. " She smiled and kissed Nathan softly on his lips.

"So... um is that... a..." Nathan stammered nervously.

Sarah stood up and extended her her left arm. "Yes" Sarah said with a smile.

Nathan stood up and took out the ring from the box. For a moment he looked confused.

"Nathan what happened? " Elara asked sensing the confusion.

"Umm ... The ring... I" Nathan fumbled.

"The finger next to the pinkie. That is called a ring finger Nathz..." Kale said shaking his head...

" Oh yeah right..." Nathan smiled sheepishly and slid the ring onto Sarah's finger.

Sarah hugged him. Nathan sighed.
"Well that was a rollercoaster ride for me..."

Sarah pulled back and leaned onto Nathan's shoulder.
" My man... You have a bigger situation at hand. As much as I know you, your parents have no idea about this. So are you going to keep them in dark until they start finding a daughter in law for themselves?"

"Um... do I have to take care of that??" Nathan asked with a confused look.

" Yes."  Three of them said together.

"I can't believe that this guy is an Astronomer with this low  IQ. " Elara said shaking her head in disappointment.

Kale and Sarah laughed to this comment and Nathan smiled sheepishly.

"Well about dad and mom.... I'll take care of that today. Now come . I'll send you guys home. It is late. " Nathan said gathering the three of them for a group hug.


"So did it all go well ?" Will asked with a smile.

"Yes Uncle." Nathan smiled.

"Oh I knew that Sarah would accept you... Both of you are a match made in heaven. " Rosette chimed in .

"Haha...thanks aunt."

"So about your parents? " Will asked anxiously.

"I'll tell them today. I have a hope that they'll accept Sarah. If they don't...then I'll just do as I did with my career. " Nathan said smiling.

"We'll be with you kid. And I know that your parents will be there too. They will not disappoint you twice. " Rosette said patting Nathan's back.

"Here you go Nathan" Elara came in with a cup. " Maple Hot Milk, made with love."

"Thanks dear... Hmmm this is amazing... " Nathan said sipping the drink.

"Thank you.. and all thanks to aunt Rosette... she is teaching me to cook." Elara said with a smile.

"Hmm no wonder are learning from the best in business." Nathan chuckled. "Aunt  why don't you open a restaurant?"

"Oh dear... It will be a menace. I enjoy cooking but I don't think I am capable enough to run a business. Maybe when our little Ella opens a restaurant  I can help her as her assistant. " Rosette smiled at Elara.

"What?? you want to open a  restaurant. But what about your book?" Nathan asked.

" Well ,I am Multi-talented so I shouldn't let myself stick to one career. I can multitask both and if  I have aunt Rosette I can take a few hours break to write a book..." Elara asked beaming.

"Absolutely eccentric." Kale said from behind.

" What did you say!!!!!?" Elara screamed. You have crossed the limit Kale wait till I kill you..." Elara sprinted behind Kale, who was already running after the bold comment.

"Well I'll get going Uncle and aunt. I don't want to witness a murder. " Nathan said jokingly.

"Bye kid take care... Tell your parents in a calm way okay... Don't worry everything will go well. " Will patted Nathan.

"Hmm ..bye Uncle, bye Aunt." Nathan said waving at them.


Yayyy... Finally Nathan proposed Sarah.

Thanks for reading.

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