Chapter 56: Pushing Forward

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Hyogo Prefectural Qualifiers for Interhigh
Day 3 – Finals

"Go! Go! Let's go! Let's go! Ina High!"

"Ohh~ I kinda miss that cheer." The guy chuckles to himself as he fixes his cap, glancing around the stadium. "Bummer that I missed the first half of the match... Argh they're probably on their last few points now."

Finding the Inarizaki audience section, he opens the door and peeks in, taking note of the scoreboard as he looks down at the players on the court and smiles. Entering the area, he immediately heads over to the front to get a close look of the court, turning to smile at the girls beside him.

"Looks like that match is going well."

"Yeah it is- AKAGI-SENPAI?!" Inoue jumps in shock, startling Kagawa who jumps as well and immediately turns to look at them.

"A-A-Akagi-senpai! It's been so long!" Kagawa sputters out as Akagi laughs.

"Ohh remix~" Akagi jokes, taking his cap off. "It's nice to see you two again, have you been well?"

"Yep! Workin' hard as always!" Inoue chimes as she grins.

"Busy with everythin'." Kagawa chuckles as she sighs tiredly. "How didja manage to keep up with school work and the club, Akagi-senpai?"

"Hmm... just really tried to balance everythin' out to be honest. But since my future wasn't completely dependent on high grades, it was manageable." Akagi explains as he thinks a little. "Why'dja ask, Kagawa? Are you havin' a bit of trouble?"

"Yeah... it's just gettin' harder to keep up with everything." Kagawa sighs as Akagi pats her on the back in reassurance.

"It's alright~ You'll figure things out."


"Now then~" He grins as he turns to the court. "How's the match going?"

"It's going great! The third set will probably be over soon!" Inoue exclaims. "Everyone's been workin' really well together, and the new members are fittin' in nicely!"

"Ohh that's so good~" Akagi comments as he watches the ongoing match. "Looks like the Inarizaki line-up is as strong as ever, Kyoku looks like he's doin' well as Inarizaki's new startin' Libero."

"Yeah! He is!"

Akagi continues watching the match as he analyses the players on the court, taking note of their skills. Of course he recognises his former teammates, and the second years who were on the bench in the previous year, but with all these familiar faces, the new member sticks out even more.

"Who's the tall guy?" Akagi asks as he turns to Inoue as she brightens up.

"Oh! That's Inuhiko-kun! Takahama Inuhiko! He's a first year and middle blocker, he's a bit of a troublemaker and gives Atsumu-senpai a lot of trouble, but he's really fun to be around!"

"A troublemaker huh?" Akagi repeats as he lets out a laugh. "Well, anyone who gives Atsumu trouble already gets bonus points from me~"

Kagawa and Inoue laugh at this as Akagi turns back to the court.

"But Atsumu huh? Am I going blind or is he wearing the number 1?" Akagi wonders out loud as he squints. "So Atsumu's captain huh? I don't know if it's possible but I'm surprised and not surprised at the same time."

"I honestly didn't know how to feel about it at first because I thought Ginjima-kun was gonna be captain." Kagawa chuckles as Akagi turns to her. "But after watchin' them play, I hafta say I agree with Atsumu-kun bein' the choice. He's leadin' 'em well."

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