Chapter 46: Our Spring Comes To An End

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Spring Interhigh National Tournament
Day 5 – Finals

"Who's winnin'?" Y/N asks as she swiftly takes a seat beside Osamu.

"They're even now, Ichibayashi just won the fourth set." Atsumu answers, not taking his eyes off the court as the long rally continues. "They're all lookin' super worn out though."

"Tell me about it, five full sets? I'm tried just thinkin' about it." Y/N sighs.

"Anyone you're rootin' for?" Osamu asks, glancing at her quickly before turning his eyes back to the court.

"Fukurodani obviously."


The crowd goes wild at the final point of the match, signifying the end of the Spring Tournament. Y/N sighs in acceptance as she and the rest of the team clap for the great game.

"It's crazy ta think that we were in that position a few months ago." Atsumu comments. "Feels like ages ago to be honest."

"Yeah..." Suna mutters as he sighs, looking at the top two teams in the tournament. "Could've been us."

"Would've been us."

"Should've been us." Atsumu deadpans. "Oh well~ We just needa destroy everyone next year~"

"Yeah, that sounds easy enough." Y/N mutters sarcastically, rolling her eyes as she turns her attention back to Fukurodani, the runners up.

"Sorry...! That one was on me!" Konoha apologises as he pinches his eyes shut and bows, sweat dripping from his face. "My set was bad... way too short!"

"The fact that you could even set the ball at all was really darn amazing." Bokuto says, turning away as he glares at the air. "That was my fault. I had to score off of that one. Spiking every ball with full confidence is one of the rules of being a normal ace!"

Akaashi pants heavily as he slowly starts to cry, unable to tear his eyes off of his senpai's who've taken care of him for these past two years. They've reached the end of their roads, and he'll just have to keep going until he reaches his, without them.

Shakily, Akaashi keeps quiet as the Fukurodani third years talk and reminisce about their time together, making promises for when they part ways. And as they gather to line up and thank their supporters, he accepts that that was the last time he'll ever get to play with this team.

~  ~  ~  ~  ~

On the fourth day of the Spring Tournament, the Semi-finals commenced as both matches were played on the centre court. Fukurodani Academy against Inubushi East High, and Kamomedai High School against Ichibayashi High School.

After winning the first set, Fukurodani managed to scrape by with a victory on the third set against Inubushi East, successfully defeating the team that had defeated The Long-time Champions Itachiyama the day prior. This was the first time Fukurodani made it to finals in the Spring Tournament.

In the next match, Kamomedai dropped their first set against Ichibayashi but managed to take the second set back. Unfortunately, they were unable to claim victory as they lost their third and final set after a long deuce with Ichibayashi, who moved onto the finals.

And now, with the final rankings of each team, it is time for the Spring Tournament to come to an end.

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