Chapter 35: It'll soon be Spring

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"We needa get outta here!" Atsumu whispers as he glances around in paranoia.

"What? Why?" Y/N asks, raising her eyebrow at him as she finishes packing up. "What didja do?"

"I didn't do anythin'! But we needa escape!" Atsumu insists, still looking around. "Is there a back entrance we can escape to? Or a window we can jump out of??"

"What didja do?" Y/N repeats as Atsumu groans.

"I didn't do anythin'! Just trust me! We needa escape!"

"Why??" Y/N asks in exasperation, not understanding his panic as she sighs. "There's no other way to leave that I'm aware of, so we'll have to go out the normal way."

"Oh no." Atsumu murmurs in distress as she rolls her eyes.

"Are'ya at least gonna tell me what's wrong?" She deadpans as Atsumu sighs.

"...You're about to see..."

Raising her eyebrow at this, Y/N slips her backpack on as they very slowly walk towards the entrance. Atsumu's apprehension is contagious though, and she finds herself nervously glancing around in anticipation. Sensing her hesitation, Atsumu moves slightly ahead of her as if to shield her from something. Just as she's about to ask him one more time, Y/N spots them.

Sakusa and Komori stand idly near the entrance as they wait, chatting quietly amongst themselves as if they were completely unaware of all the attention they were drawing. Taken aback, Y/N halts in her steps as she instinctively grabs Atsumu's arm and pulls him down to her level.

"What are they doin' here??" She whispers in his ear.

"This is why I said we needa escape!" Atsumu whispers back as they openly stare at the two tall Itachiyama students. "They wanted to come!"


"I don't know!"

"I needa get outta here." Y/N mumbles to herself as she continues staring at them.

"D'ya think we can run away before they notice??"

"Of course not! Your piss yellow hair stands out too much!"

"Oi! Don't insult my-!"

Before Atsumu can finish his sentence, both Sakusa and Komori glance at the two of them, making Y/N flinch as she instinctively hides behind Atsumu, suddenly feeling shy. She was not mentally prepared for this.

"Did they see me...?"

"No, of course not." Atsumu mutters sarcastically. "Of course they saw you!"

"Distract them while I run."

"D'ya really think you can outrun them?" Atsumu deadpans.

"...I don't like it when you use logic." Y/N mutters as Atsumu rolls his eyes and approaches them, Y/N following closely behind as she peeks out from his side, nerves getting the best of her.

Atsumu sighs as he stands in front of Sakusa and Komori with a blank look on his face, Y/N still discreetly hiding behind him. "Alright, where d'ya wanna take us."

"Wait, why are you hiding, L/N-chan?" Komori laughs as Y/N awkwardly comes out from behind Atsumu. "We've met before! It's not like this is your first time meeting us!"

"Ehh, well... I guess I'm just... surprised by yer appearance...?" Y/N says hesitantly as she glances around nervously, feeling their eyes burning into her as they stare.

"Still, we've all been talking recently~ Have you always been this shy? You're not this shy when you talk to me or Sakusa on the phone."

"Oi, talkin' on the phone and meeting in person is completely different." Atsumu cuts in as he rolls his eyes. "Anyway, where d'ya suggest we go?"

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