Chapter 4: You haven't changed

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Shiratorizawa Academy

"I can't believe we're already having a practise match~ Outside the prefecture too! Isn't it exciting, Wakatoshi-kun?" Tendou looks over at Ushijima in interest as they continue changing to get ready for volleyball practise.

"Who knows." Ushijima says, not really caring.

"As long as they're good practise, right?" Tendou laughs in amusement, used to Ushijima's passiveness. Semi sweat-drops at their one-sided conversation, choosing to ignore them like everyone else in the change room.

"I'm... I'm sure we will win!" Goshiki nervously declares, still jittery around the older members.

Rolling his eyes, Shirabu mutters. "Don't be so confident. You don't even know who we're versing yet."

Flinching in fear at his cold upperclassman, Goshiki sweats nervously, not wanting to irritate Shirabu.

"Give Tsutomu a break." Ohiro cuts in. "He just wants to do his best, being a first year regular and all."

"I'll do my best!"

Laughing joyously, Tendou claps his hands together and cheers. "That's the spirit Tsutomu~! Isn't his energy admirable, Wakatoshi-kun?"



~  ~  ~  ~  ~

Ushijima quietly reads over a volleyball magazine, ignoring the other third years that decided to join him and Ohiro in their dormitory.

Semi, Yamagata and Ohiro lounge on the floor, doing their homework together in attempts to make sense of it. Meanwhile, Tendou's sprawled on Ushijima's bed reading the latest edition of Shonen Jump.

Looking up from his book, Tendou glances at the group on the floor with a smile.

"Do you guys wanna read Shonen Jump with me?"



The third years didn't even glance at Tendou when they declined his request, making him pout. Rolling onto his side, Tendou turns his gaze to Ushijima's back, who's sitting up straight with impeccable posture.

"You're the only one I can trust, Wakatoshi-kun~" Tendou muses, propping his chin onto his palms.

"You should trust all your teammates." Ushijima bluntly responds, making Semi and Yamagata mentally facepalm from their spot on the floor, it's becoming increasingly difficult for them to focus on their homework. Tendou just laughs and chimes out "Classic Wakatoshi-kun~"

Taking a small break from his homework, Yamagata sighs.

"I can't believe we're playing Inarizaki so soon..." The mention of something volleyball related instantly attracts Ushijima's attention, making him glance up from his magazine for the first time. Carefully closing his magazine, Ushijima turns his chair around to face the group on the floor, suddenly invested in their conversation.

"Yeah, that's the one with the Miya twins, right? And those other guys." Semi sighs, already accepting that he's not going to get any homework done.

"While it is true that Miya Atsumu and Miya Osamu are formidable opponents, we must not forget that their whole starting line-up is incredibly skilled, such as Ojiro Aran and Oomimi Ren." Ushijima states blankly, thinking carefully about the Inarizaki team.

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