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A small sigh escapes her lips as she absentmindedly watches strangers pass by. Of course, the one time she's early is also the one time Suna's late. She briefly considers leaving but decides against it after thinking about all the times he's patiently waited for her.

Letting out another frustrated sigh, she checks her phone for the hundredth time. She almost messages a friend out of boredom.

"Sorry to keep you waiting." Suna apologises, walking up to her.

"It's alright Rintarou," she sighs, tucking her phone into her pocket. "I've been late more times than I can count so I guess that's what I get." She grabs Suna's arm and they proceed to walk down the street.

Suna smirks lazily, "It's strange for you to be so forgiving, maybe I should test your patience a little more..."

Glaring at him, she mutters; "It's the middle of the year but you know what? New year new me. I think I'll become a murderer this year, and I think I know exactly who my first target is."

Chuckling, Suna attempts to ruffle her hair but she dodges, glaring heatedly at him.

"Atsumu?" Suna questions with an innocent smile. Y/N smirks up at him.

"You know me so well."


Y/N and Suna turn around and spot Atsumu pointing at them accusingly. He stalks over, panting as he glares at them indignantly. His twin brother Osamu stands behind him looking vaguely amused.

Y/N and Suna glance at each other before turning around completely to face the twins.

"Sorry for going on a date without you two," Y/N smirks. "We weren't aware that you wanted to have a double date." Without missing a beat, Suna starts humming to the tune of 'Sweet Home Alabama'.

Flustered, Atsumu groans loudly and ruffles his head in frustration before letting out a loud screech, gaining the attention of onlookers. Osamu simply rolls his eyes as he approaches them.

"That still doesn't explain why you two are on a date! I didn't even know you guys liked each other!" Atsumu rants, flinging his arms around in exaggerated gestures.

Rolling her eyes, Y/N goes to retort but is interrupted.

"We just didn't want you guys to know." Suna states in a bored tone, avoiding eye contact with Y/N as he glances around. The girl huffs and smacks his shoulder before turning back to Atsumu, who is gaping at them in shock and horror.

"We're not dating," Y/N rolls her eyes, exasperated. "Honestly, I don't even know how you came to that conclusion anyway."

"You don't know??" Atsumu screeches loudly, drawing attention once again. Y/N glares at him to indicate that she wants him to stop making a scene, as usual he ignores her.

"'Samu here told me you two were goin' on a date! I can't believe it! We caught ya red handed and you're still tryin' ta lie to us??"

Confused, Y/N looks at Osamu who feigns disinterest, he glances around distractedly, avoiding her eyes.

"I invited the five of us to hang out for lunch before school started again, Hitoshi's waiting for us at the restaurant. I told Osamu to tell you a few days ago."

Blinking at her in confusion, Atsumu slowly turns to his twin, who has the audacity to smile at him innocently.

"Oh, I may or may not have forgotten to tell you, 'Tsumu." Osamu continues to smile innocently. "My bad." The three of them deadpan, he doesn't look apologetic at all. Atsumu resists the urge to scream.

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