Chapter 34: Not Alone

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There's no time to eat in the morning, not when you're busy preparing for such a huge event. Arranging her prints and other merchandise, Y/N hurriedly packs her things into a suitcase, carrying all her products in it. Packing an extra backpack for the items she deems essential, Y/N quickly leaves the hotel and heads straight towards the JR Station.

Keeping her head down to avoid eye contact, Y/N stands in the corner of her train's carriage, doing her best to avoid being in everyone's way. She feels a little bad for bringing a suitcase and taking up so much space.

Once she arrives at her destination, Y/N briskly leaves the train to get to the convention centre. Speaking briefly with a volunteer who directs her to her table, before leaving her on her own.

Glancing around, Y/N observes as the other artists busy themselves with setting up their own stalls, not conversing with each other as they concentrate. Turning back to her own table, Y/N starts taking out her things to prepare to set up, trying to not feel self-conscious about display her art so openly. And as she sets up alone, taking the first steps towards her dreams, it suddenly dawns on her.

The path she chose, is very lonely.

~  ~  ~  ~  ~

"Surprise!" Atsumu cheers as he jumps up to her stall. "Didja miss me?"

"No." Y/N deadpans as she rolls her eyes.

"Yer just salty that I was right~ Toldja givin' me the extra pass would be a good idea."

"As if I have anyone else to give it to- What's that?"

Atsumu smirks as he shoves the plastic bag in her face. "Meat buns! I got 'em on the way here, I bet ya haven't eaten yet."

"I don't make bets that I know I'll lose." Y/N sighs as she gratefully takes a meat bun. "Thanks, Atsumu."

"Yeah yeah, you done yet? I wanna hurry up and explore Tokyo!"

"Yes yes, I'm done." Y/N chuckles as she grabs a light cloth so she can throw it over her stall later, picking up her backpack and putting it on. "So... whaddya think...?"

"What do I think 'bout what?"

Y/N facepalms as she sighs. "My stall, Atsumu."

"Ohhh." Atsumu turns to observe her stall as he rubs his chin in thought. "Hmm... it looks great! Really shows off all yer hard work!"

"Thanks..." Y/N mumbles as she smiles. "Anyways, we needa throw this cloth thing over everything before we go."

"Alrighty~" Atsumu chimes as he helps her cover everything up. "Oh by the way, Komori told me something absolutely awful!"

Raising her eyebrow, Y/N looks at him questioningly. "What?"

"Komori said you've been talkin' to Sakusa!" Atsumu complains as she sighs to herself. "Really? Are'ya really talkin' to him??"

"Technically no, since I'm currently talkin' to you."

"That's not what I meant!"

Y/N groans as they leave the convention centre, ignoring Atsumu's scrutinising gaze. "I'm allowed to have other friends y'know."

Grumbling under his breath, Atsumu turns away from her as she rolls her eyes, already used to dealing with his dramatic tendencies. After a few moments, he lets out an exasperated sigh.

"...Is he nice to ya?"

"Hm? Yeah, of course." Y/N responds.

"That's good then." Atsumu shrugs. "Is there anywhere you wanna go? How about Tokyo Skytree??"

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