Chapter 8: Tokyo Teams

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Fukurodani – Inarizaki Practise Match – First Set
Fukurodani [13 – 14] Inarizaki

Y/N remains unnervingly silent as she continues to analyse the match in front of her. Unfortunately, Fukurodani doesn't have any clear weaknesses, other than the emotionally unpredictable Bokuto. She doesn't want to admit it out loud, but she doesn't have any solid strategies to counter them.

"Y'know, we don't always have to target the opponent's mentality to win. Our team's plenty strong." Coach Kurosu says, not taking his eyes off the match, she sighs in defeat.

"...The only thing I can think of is gettin' Rintarou to use his annoyin' skills on Bokuto-senpai, but from the looks of it he's got his own agenda."

Suna's been consistently blocking Bokuto's cross shot, forcing him to only hit straights. Y/N's not completely sure if this is part of his strategy or he's just being lazy with his decision making. Regardless, he's coordinated his movements with Akagi, so it's no issue.

"Hm... You're only thinkin' of targetin' Bokuto? Usually you aim for the setter..." Coach Oomi trails off in thought, watching as Suna scores a beautifully angled spike.

"Eh, that's true. But it seems like Akaashi-san's kinda difficult to break, y'know? Maybe if the stakes of the match were higher, then he'd start breakin' from the pressure... But he seems totally calm and collected right now." She says, observing the current rally carefully.

"Atsumu's got him in check anyway. Just watchin' Atsumu's skills up close is like a punch to the face."

Fukurodani [21 – 23] Inarizaki

Both powerhouse teams keep going head-to-head with unwavering strength, exciting the crowd in the bleachers. While both teams seem equally matched so far, it's well known that the Inarizaki team is a slow starter, and with Suna and Ojiro slowly warming up their engines, it'll only get harder for Fukurodani.

"Hey hey hey!" Bokuto cheers, hyping up the crowd. He's been performing really well today, consistently hitting clean straights to avoid Suna's blocks, and with Suna in the back row, Inarizaki's blocking now relies on Oomimi.

Switching with Akagi, Suna walks towards the benches when Y/N beckons him over.

"Good job blockin' the cross." She says blandly, mentally questioning if he's just being lazy.

"Thanks." He's totally just being lazy with his decision making.

"Y'need to take matches more seriously, Suna. You can't just keep slackin' off and lookin' for easy solutions." Coach Kurosu scolds, sighing at Suna's lack of ambition.

He just shrugs in response.

"Anyway, when you're rotated back into the front lines, it'll probs be set point for us. I think that'd be a good time to switch and block the straight instead." Y/N says, carefully observing the match as it continues.

"I mean sure but... Why?" He asks. 'Do I have to?'

"Yes, you have to." She scowls, somehow hearing his silent question. "Bokuto-senpai's the kind of player that gets fixated on one thing. Since you've been doing a great job blockin' the cross, he's been continuously hittin' straights. He probably won't be able to hit many good cross shots right now."

"Makes sense." Suna nods. 'What other devious thing are you thinking...'

"Plus..." She continues.

'Ah, there it is.'

"He's well-known for his cross shots, right? If we're pretty much invitin' him to hit an easy shot he should be great at, it's mortifying isn't it? It'd be embarrassing even if he hits it in... but if he doesn't..." She chuckles darkly to herself, making the poor reserve players shiver in fear at her wickedness.

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