Chapter 57: The Bonds We Make

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"This is the first time I've seen the sun in three days..."

"Maybe you should go outside more."

Y/N turns to Suna in confusion as she halts in her steps. "...I don't want to hear that from you of all people."

"What do you mean me of all people." Suna asks slowly as he squints at her.

"Did I stutter?"

"I don't know, can't hear you from up here."

"Oh really? I thought we'd be on the same level, judging from the arch of yer back." Y/N smirks as Suna rolls his eyes.

Exhaling slightly, Suna straightens his back as it lets out multiple loud cracks, causing Y/N to wince in concern as she stares at him.

"...That doesn't sound healthy."

"Oh well." Suna shrugs as his shoulders crack too, making Y/N even more concerned as she steps back.



"SUNA! GET YER LUGGAGE BEFORE I THROW IT AWAY!" Atsumu yells, snapping Y/N out of her thoughts as the two of them glance at him.

"Guess that's my cue to go." Suna says boredly as he slouches again and walks over to Atsumu to get his things. "How about we throw you away instead?"


Y/N facepalms as she sighs, their training camp hasn't even started yet but she's already tired. Looking up at the sky solemnly, she stares off into the distance until she hears footsteps speeding towards her.

"L/N-senpai! Is it okay if we take a picture together??" Inoue asks cheerfully as her eyes sparkle, making it difficult for Y/N to refuse.

"I- uhh, I guess so?"

"Great! Hehe!" Inoue laughs as she grabs Y/N's arm and drags her over to Kagawa, grabbing her as well. "You too Kagawa-san! Let's take a picture together!"

"Wah- uhh, sure!" Kagawa laughs nervously as Inoue excitedly takes out her phone and grins at them.

"Since you two are third years now, I thought we should take as many pictures together as possible!" Inoue explains as she takes out her phone and smiles at them. "You've both been super busy and stressed with study and exams... so hopefully this summer camp can be fun for all of us!"

"Chika-chan..." Kagawa trails off as she sniffles. "What did we do to get such a sweet kouhai??"

Inoue laughs in response as she opens her camera. "'Kay, smile!"

Kagawa instantly stops crying as she smiles at the camera, causing Y/N to let out a laugh as she smiles too. The three managers take a few selfies together and look over them together, nodding in approval after they see them.

"I'll print these out so we can all keep them!" Inoue says cheerfully as she looks over the pictures again. Smiling to herself, Y/N notices Kagawa hesitantly glancing at her.

"Kagawa-chan?" Y/N asks, causing Kagawa to smile nervously as she fiddles with her fingers.

"I was, uhh, wonderin' if you wanted to take a pic together... the two of us, y'know?" Kagawa asks shyly as Y/N blinks in surprise.

"Oh, sure, of course." Y/N says as she nods.

Inoue suddenly jumps up in excitement. "I'll take the picture!"

Coach Kurosu taps his foot impatiently as he watches his team chatter away and they look around the area, seemingly doing everything except gathering their luggage so they can move on. Finally having enough, he sighs and addresses them all.

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