Chapter 27: Consequences

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Getting back to Hyogo after a long exhausting and intense week is a blessing, Y/N can finally return to her daily life and fall back into her ordinary routine; avoiding her family and drawing while she's meant to be sleeping. School doesn't start again for a few weeks, so she's free to spend the rest of her summer holiday however she pleases.

Or at least she would if she wasn't the Inarizaki manager.

After their commendable performance at Interhigh, Coach Kurosu had requested for permission to use the school gymnasium for a week, even though it was still school holidays. The school immediately granted permission, of course. So after a weekend of rest, it's back to school for Y/N, much fun.

For now though, she's enjoying her alone time in her room, having no plans to leave ever, not that her parents would let her anyway. Lazily scrolling through her Twitter feed, Y/N suddenly gets a notification that Osamu posted something, instantly perking her interest as she clicks. She didn't know what she was expecting, but it definitely wasn't this.

Miya Osamu 🍙 is hungry | @miya_osamuu95
"get better soon Assumu."

Osamu had posted a black and white picture of Atsumu tripping over a volleyball, adding an exaggerated grain filter over the top.

@ineedtosleep what's wrong with Miya-senpai?? Is he sick?? Did he get hurt???

@miya_osamuu95 what's wrong with him? Too many things... that's why he needs to get better soon

@miya_osamuu95 and I'm the one that's sick

@miya_osamuu95 sick of him

@sunastan37 wwwww maybe if he stanned suna

Nope. Quickly turning her phone off, Y/N decided she wasn't going to deal with this today. She'll just have to enjoy her weekend off.

~  ~  ~  ~  ~

"What I'm sayin' is, no one will blame us for accidentally missin' our bus stop."

"Y/N-chan, we take this bus every day, they're not that stupid."

"Are'ya sure?"

Akagi doesn't respond as he drags Y/N out of the bus and towards the gym, ignoring her grumbling along the way. School holidays should be for resting, not coming back to school to babysit some teenage boys. But she only has herself to blame, she's the one that signed up for this afterall.

Akagi sighs at her grumbling, stopping for a bit as he turns to her with an unimpressed motherly look. "What? How bad could it be? It's just another club day."

"Oh no. You asked the cursed question." Y/N mutters in distraught, stumbling back as she nervously looks around for an escape.

"What cursed question?"

"'How bad could it be?' We're doomed! Akagi-senpai, we need to escape while we can! We need to save ourselves!"

"You're bein' dramatic." He deadpans.

"No I'm not!"

"Seriously, Y/N-chan! We were all together two days ago, nothin' bad could've happened in two days! I promise, nothing's wrong."

Sniffff~ Atsumu takes in a deep breath as he tries to snort up his snot, face flushed as he dizzily tries to will himself into good health. He's sick.

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